
If you want to use an outlier as the norm, that's childish.
if you make a generalization without any providing any data, that's uninformed.

I'm sorry that you don't like police or military or whoever, but in the real world, they have a job to do; some of them abuse it and some work under immoral system.
If you think that ANY kind of government is immoral, than you have a Utopian worldview.

Had you actually read the post, you would have understood that the point was that the Watchers need to act morally.

I provided data.
You have not.
I'm a vet.
Have you served your country?

I think large government acts in an insane manner. Exhibit A...all of world history.
In the twentieth century governments kill a third of a billion people...their own citizens. NOT counting wars.
Is that or is that not crazy?

and I don't have all night to listen to you yell "ANARCHY RULES" or your false accusation of leftism.


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