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RE: Building Ultra Secure And Memorable Passwords

in #security7 years ago (edited)

Really excellent Nik, such a tutorial is essential learning in these unsure times. Over the holiday I spent some time with my nephew who knows much about hacking - he goes on hackerthons apparently. Anyways he reckoned that if a hacker specifically targets you then there is actually very little you can do - other than go off line. It is a scary world we live in online these days.
Recently saw and interview with John McAfee, he was asked which was the most secure smartphone - he said it was the Samsung Galaxy S7- His team of hackers tried to hack it of rover a year unsuccessfully. He even asked hackers to try and hack is phone. It still has not been hacked. However. you probably saw that a few days ago he got hacked. Not it was not his phone, but his phone company. They hacked in and accessed his phone number on their system and then rerouted it to another phone. That meant that anyone who called him the called was sent out to another phone- From there the hackers contacted Twitter and other media accounts. When they saw that it came from his phone they gave out the password. In this case did to make any difference how long or complex the password was. Social engineering and security weaknesses in phones companies are definitely the weakest link IMO-


Very true dear Arthur, social engineering is indeed the weakest point, the human flaws make it happen. I am really not sure what to think of McAffee at the moment, since he started blatentely shilling shitcoins no one has ever heard of before. It was a pretty bizarre week cause he managed to pump quite a few of them...

I heard that McAfee said his twitter account was hacked and it was the hackers who were doing the shilling. Makes you realise that is difficult to know what is the truth these days.

That's right. Arthur do you use any other messaging system like discord or or something where we can connect?

He did shill before and after the hack too tho ;)

Hi Nik,Im still a bit paranoid lol - but Im getting there. I miss our chats too.
All I can ask is if it is possible that you can be patient with me. I will probably join but I am also going to open another FB account too. I will let you know.

Cant make my mind up about McAfee - still trying to figure out if is is genuine or not.

That's alright Arthur. I understand. Take all the time you need. As long as you're coming back :) Don't get me wrong, I like McAffee. He is a winner, and achiever and a crazy ass person - in the good way. But I don't like his recent crypto calling.

What do we lack in the crypto world? Developers. What do we have an abundance of? Speculators and memes.

Thanks for being understanding Nik, that is a sign of a ture friend.
Totally agree on what you say about the world needing developers. In my blog about be being hacked I wrote about how the only thing that could destroy cryptocurency was hackers. I suggested that wee either needed a new type of vault or new technology otherwise no ones crytpo is safe. Some of the comments I got were not nice and that my thoughts were silly.
However, I saw an article today in the cointelegraph talking about this very thing - here is a section of it:-
"We used to ask ourselves: Where is it better to keep your money, at home in a safe or in the bank? None of these options is ever completely safe. Cryptocurrency is no different: the safety issue is very complex, because there are lots of ways to break into accounts, or to force people to give over their holdings. There needs to be a mechanism ensuring complete safety, because the current options are all lacking. A new technology is needed to protect cryptocurrency."
It seems my thoughts were not so silly after all.

Here is the entire article if you want to read it:

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