It Has Now Been Confirmed, The Time Is Now - Episode 1624b
The White House begins put procedures in place to remove the security clearance of certain individuals. Illegals are being reunited with their families, but not all because they do not have parents in the US. Twitter was caught shadow banning, this is a practice of hiding search results and many companies use this to hide certain information from the public. North Korea is returning the remains of the soldiers. Syria finds weapons at the White Helmet base. Q has dropped more bread crumbs and Q has confirmed the central bank the way we know it today is going to change.
00 is most likely Oval Office
Thank you for the report, was very informative. This Q guy I have never heard of until now, but he sounds like he is helping the right guys. I really hope Donald is one of the good guys though 🤗
what congress should do is declare that the big internet companies are public accommodations like other businesses are and then to forbid them from political discrimination. Until then they are right, you don't have any right to free speech on someone else's platform.
You can tell the white helmets are no good because NPR is currently running pro white helmet propaganda pieces, they call them "the white helmet rescuers". The white helmets are all foreign agents.
He only has to the end of this year to start arresting NWO operatives , otherwise this entire thing is a charade ❗️