5 Ways to Figure Out Secure WordPress Plugins For Website

in #secure4 years ago (edited)

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WordPress plugins like SSL Insecure Content Fixer are often used to wipe out mixed content errors from your website & make its URL secure. What to do if certain plugins become a reason for your website insecurity? When you initiate your website development plans for the future, they’re most probably uncertain. The reason being your part of the knowledge & experience associated with website development. There are lots of things to learn & imply through the development procedure. Even if you’re deciding on specified plugin support, you have to make sure whether it’s safe for your website database or not.

Some WordPress plugins can bring internet threats to your website building strategy. Keeping your website URL secure helps you establish a trustworthy identity before the internet users. Your website traffic is your key to triumph over the search engine results. Through this article, we want to create awareness regarding Secure WordPress Plugins & how webmasters could identify the right ones.

We will also discuss how Secure WordPress Plugins could enhance your website’s credibility. Acquiring timely knowledge & information helps you outshine your WordPress development rivals throughout. We’re an experienced WordPress development & content marketing team from SFWPExperts, and we want to support emerging WordPress developers & internet marketing enthusiasts across the globe. Let’s have a detailed insight into this segment of information!

About Secure WordPress Plugins

When you start creating a WordPress website you’re often advised to go for the starter themes. Do you know why? To let you stay away from over-stuffing practices. If you directly jump to a parent theme the chances are that you’ll overstuff your database. When you initially install WordPress on your web server, it is quite empty & blank. Then you start filling it over & encounter a slight decline in speed & functionality after a few months. The circumstances keep demolishing with time and make your website incompetent.

Approaching Secure WordPress Plugins helps you install less & smart. If you have limited plugins in your WordPress admin dashboard you promote speed & lightweight along with your WordPress theme. It surely enhances your website performance & keeps it away from external threats. Therefore you must look at your Secure WordPress Plugins status.

Advantage of Using Secure Plugins

There are no disadvantages to applying the right & secure plugins to your WordPress website. You don’t even have to spend anything special to make use of these services. The aim is to simply reduce security risks from the plugins and make them a medium of improvement. Here are some benefits you could enjoy using Secure WordPress Plugins.

  • You can intensify your web page loading speed & time
  • You website stay protected against hackers & external malware
  • The website creates a trustworthy & reliable impression before the initial visitors
  • Helps you to maintain & improve your database from time to time
  • Maintains integrity & compatibility with other aspects of your web designing goal
  • Safeguard your website URL & its representation
  • Enhance the overall performance of your website

You can instead review the disadvantages of applying vulnerable WordPress plugins for better understanding. A detailed analysis of 10 Most Vulnerable WordPress Plugins could be more thought-provoking in this context. You’ll get aware of the leading enemies ahead of time.

5 Ways You Can Figure Out Secure WordPress Plugins

Finding trusted WordPress plugins is not a big deal. You just have to generate a fundamental quality checklist as per your convenience. You must pen down your needs instead of your wants. WordPress plugins should not serve your entertainment prerequisites. Though there are several unnecessary of them out there, you must set your limits earlier. Here are 5 important ways you can decide on the right plugins for your website building strategy.

1. Check Scores & Reviews

WordPress plugins do have scores & reviews. They are a kind of virtual products and do require user reviews. The same is accompanied by a dedicated 5 star WordPress rating. The plugins with poor score and rating are less reliable and exhibit poor quality. Whenever you look for a WordPress plugin don’t go below at least a 4 star rating. Moreover, you must make sure that the reviews are genuine. People often attach paid reviews for their specified product on various online platforms. If you go for a 4 star rating or above you can often count on the reviews.

On the other hand you can also find certain negative reviews on the same product. However, you can figure them out easily. A review without proper description or even a single line can’t be considered genuine. Therefore, we suggest you must check the plugin score & reviews before installation.

2. Review Active Installations

Another considerable factor can be the active installation level of the plugin. If that’s high you can rely on the plugin, if that’s low you can proceed to the other options. Active installation status depicts the popularity of the plugin among the users. When most of them make use of it, you can trust the product right away. Number of active installations directly associate with the number positive rates & reviews. However, a new WordPress plugin couldn’t acquire that much active installations. In that case you can switch to the scores and reviews to get an external insight into the quality of the plugin. For an already renowned plugin you can trust you can install without a second thought.

3. Find a Reputable Source

Plugins are offered by website owners who build various online programs. You can visit the source website to assess the quality of the plugin. You can check whether the website is new or old. You can also check the DA & PA of the website & web pages and also check dedicated reviews on the web pages if any. Certain web pages have product descriptions for detailed overview of the WordPress plugin. You can review the main features of the plugin properly before installation. Additionally you can also check if the website URL is secure or unsecure or mixed. For this you have to click the padlock icon on the URL bar situated on the left end of the domain name.

4. Check Frequent Updates

This is also an important factor to consider. Since the inception of the WordPress 5.5 Auto Update the webmasters are worried about their favorite plugin arrangements. Because the update has no custom disable function. Which means, it enables all your WordPress plugin updates by default. You can’t adjust your plugin updates manually as such. Thereafter, the plugins that don’t support frequent updates or update themself along with the WordPress update would stop working. This means 2 things- First you have to find plugins with a frequent update feature and second you have to make sure that you don’t install so many unnecessary plugins out there.

Verify The Features
Sometimes webmasters install the wrong plugins without checking the mainstream features of the plugin. They usually go for the name as referred by their friends, colleagues or pear groups. It may work sometimes, however, you can face serious disappointments in the future. There are ample substitutes for a perfect plugin in the WordPress plugin library. Choose smartly!


Your website building plan & its success often depend on your decisions. From Day 1 you have to make decisions until your website lives. Wordpress Experts will come and go but the website has to keep moving. WordPress is an amazing tool for your website maintenance throughout years. So keep gathering information. Through the medium of SFWPExperts, we’ll keep you posting informative WordPress articles & blogs. All the best!!

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