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RE: January 30, 2020--Practice Blog

Mostly, the rant was just venting after a long and hard week of meetings and less than ideal work conditions. Ideally, I would be able to teach a small studio of piano/organ students with one or two classes of appreciation and history. Work from 9 until 4 or 5 and have time to work on my own stuff rather than bring work home and fret about it here. Currently, I am working 9 until 7 or 9 four nights a week, 3 until 6 one night, and Sunday mornings with prep work towards classes on Sunday afternoon. I have considered finding a 40 hour work week in retail or service industries so that 8 hours a day can be filled with practice for myself and time with my wife. I play organ and piano well enough for church services, but not well enough for a concert career. So that is out. Plus, I got a chance to talk to Stephen Hough about his life when I drove him from Tuscaloosa to an airport in graduate school. Not something I would want full time. A local German baker convinced me that there has to be a balance of work and life, something we as Americans have a hard time believing. She gave up a lucrative business because it was chewing up too much of her personal time. That is where I am at. I am tired. I love what I do, but it is taking over all the important parts of my life--playing music, being with my wife, traveling. The problem I see is that all my training and focus has been on getting me to this position of being a college professor. Mid-life crisis has finally hit me. Luckily, I am into Victorian and Edwardian clothing rather than sports cars.


Wow that's tough. I'm quite busy too, it's hard. I have a full time job in IT and I teach some piano on the side. I did a lot of hours outside work and it cut into my joy of playing the organ myself. So, I cut down most of my private students which leaves me more time for practice. I think if you have an organ at home, you might feel like you have more time to enjoy playing. If you do get one, make sure it's enjoyable to play (not an old electronic, go for Hauptwerk and a nice console). !ENGAGE 50

I still think I am incredibly luck to be doing what I am doing. Maybe some appreciation from those who I am doing it for would be welcome.

Everyone goes through these seasons of discouragement in life, so take heart. Venting helps us gain perspective on things, especially when professional or personal problems become amplified in our minds beyond their external reality, so there is no need to apologize. We've all been there, and some of us are likewise in similar places in our own lives at present. Don't beat yourself up. Greetings from your brothers at Canton #60, F.& A.M. of Ohio.

That's right! Sharing these frustrations in open is better than keeping them locked inside.

What I do is the minute I find a job, I start creating another job for myself which eventually becomes lucrative enough to start living on my own terms.

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Suggestion: install Actifit app on your phone and take a walk. It's so refreshing both for the body and mind.

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