The most mysterious anomalous zones of the planet

in #secrets8 years ago

There are places where unexplainable events occur not only with humans but also with animals. We offer you to familiarize yourself with them.

The bridge, which dogs say goodbye to life

In the late nineteenth century James white, owner of an estate Overton, built a few kilometers from Glasgow bridge. Almost immediately it started to happen strange events – each month any the dog jumped into the river and died. Height is 15 meters, which is quite a lot, so the animal was killed immediately in most cases. But if the dog managed to survive, she climbed on the bridge and repeated attempts to commit suicide. That is why now the fifty years they call it bridge dog suicides.

The reasons for this behavior in dogs is still not found. Zoologists suggest that the dogs smell mink that inhabit the river, and jump over them. While some locals blame a Ghost of a murdered child, while others assume that in this place is a portal to other worlds that also feel dogs.

Dog cave is not a place for dogs

The cave Grotta del Cane, near Naples, was another mysterious place on our planet, and therefore is a popular tourist attraction. For many years, the Pets accompanying their owners while walking in the cave, lost consciousness and died.

The cause of their death were found: carbon dioxide, accumulates in the grotto, is not higher than a meter off the ground. It becomes the cause of death of animals. For humans it is not dangerous, unless, of course, he would not want to sit in the cave and rest, or, as corny as it may sound, you do not need to tie laces. Exactly in this cave should not be taken and young children.

Aokigahara – Japanese suicide forest

Aokigahara forest is located on the Japanese island of Honshu and has many tourist routes. For example, this is the path to mount Fuji. In this mysterious forest every year to find dozens of dead people. The forest attracts suicides like a magnet. It is located in the valley, there is a frightening silence. In this place are not working compasses, densely growing coniferous trees, and live here only foxes, wild dogs and snakes. In ancient time, the poor Japanese were brought here sick and feeble relatives, which they could not heal and feed. And since XX century the forest was the last place that had seen suicides before death. Come here to say goodbye to life for the people of Tokyo and surrounding cities.

To prevent suicides have been trying the local authorities: in the forest there is a web camera, tablets with inscriptions that could push the man to abandon thoughts of suicide, and helplines. The nearby shops are allowed to sell medicines, ropes, and other items that may be required for suicide. Forest trails are constantly patrolled by police and volunteers. Suspicious people immediately detained. But all in vain – the number of suicides has not decreased. This leaves a lot of unclaimed bodies burial which involved residents of several nearby settlements.

Cemetery bird

That's called the Jatinga village is located in the mountains of the Indian state of Assam. In August, several days in a row here is inexplicable in the sky appear large flocks of birds inexplicably fall to the ground.

  Survive only a few individuals. Ornithologists explain this phenomenon with powerful gusts of wind and geophysical anomalies with which the birds are unable to cope.

Beach Farwell sleep not haunted by the marine mammal

The beach is located on the South island in New Zealand. It is quite often groups of released marine mammals. One of the most memorable occasions – the mass suicide of two hundred dolphins-Blackfish. The mammals beached on the beach and were slowly dying. They were trying to save, but out of the water dolphins were again thrown on the shore.

The explanation of this behavior looking for since ancient times. Scientists suggest that the locators of the warships cause the loss of orientation of animals. Some blame the tides and the changing of the wind rose. And someone thinks that animals follow a sick leader, decided to kill himself.

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