Lunggom: The mysterious Tibetan spiritual practice__

in #secret7 years ago

There are many secrets in this world. There are many Tantric practices, which we do not know about and which remain away from the eyes of ordinary people. The yogi Yogi Paramahansa Yoganand in his most famous and bestseller autobiography 'Autobiography of a Yogi' It is also mentioned about such mysterious practices. Such is a mysterious Tibetan spiritual practice - Lunggom.Lung means lungs, wind or vital energy, which according to Yogis is symbol of Prana Vayu. Gum means meditation or concentrated concentration. Therefore, Lunggompa means the person who receives spiritual energy through concentrated meditation and pranayama. Is Lee.


Lunggom is the sadistic practice of abnormal motion.This is a process of Tibet's specific meditation which originally belongs to Pranayam. In this process, the concentration of mind is also practiced with the specific compound practice of life. The medieval period of Tibet Many of the seekers were fully versed in this sadhana and used to complete hundreds of miles in a short span of time.(2)11th century Tibetan saint Minalesepa used to travel fast at speeds of his lama guru and his disciple (trampa) horse.Millaresepa has himself said that once in a short time I traveled for a month Had completed the journey, which had to be completed in one month before this accomplishment.

A western gentleman named Alexandra David Neil had seen such three lunggompa seekers themselves while traveling.

This method of cultivation does not have to be practiced with unusual motility or quick energy. But it is necessary to practice abnormal growth in its physical stamina. In this practice, the learned seekers travel for hours without any relinquishment for a moment. The practice and training of this compound method is ancient in the Shalu Gompa of Tshang province. Other centers of training are also located in Tibet.Maharishi Patanjali has said, defining Pranayama – ' The infinite breathing of the accomplishment of the pedestal – the avachched of the motion of the breathing is Pranayama '.

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