Secret Technologies That You Can't Have

in #secret-technology8 years ago (edited)

There are emerging technologies arising from all corners of the globe, and the U.S. government certainly likes to keep their interests closely guarded. Even banning certain technologies from the public. Here’s a short list of some provocative tech that the average consumer isn’t allowed to touch…

1.) Adaptive Camouflage – Hyper Stealth, Inc.

Yes, a vast majority of people have seen the videos, but this Canadian company is definitely pushing the limits of camo. Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak is only available to our military, and you aren’t prevy to learning anything about the light bending Quantum Stealth. Unfortunately, Hyper Stealth, the Canadian company who developed this tech is unable to obtain a SBIR grant to further develop and fulfill U.S. military requests for their products. This is due to a SBIR business requirement mandating that a majority of the owners be U.S. citizens, even though our government controls their patents!

2.) Mini-Drones, Swarming Drones and Killer Robots – DARPA, China, and… Google?!

Who says everything made in China sucks? China, China, China, China… Sorry, just saw that Trump video. It was leaked in the early 2000’s that China had begun testing a new drone(s), a mini-swarm of them actually. This swarm could effectively disrupt radar, counter ballistic missiles, and was even speculated to be able to attack like a mini fleet of kamikaze grenades. Not much has been made available to the public on the mini-drone swarms, however, it is presumed that not only has China pioneered this tech, but are actively testing them in military operations. So not only do they have us outnumbered in humans, but now they have to crush our numbers in drones too, lol.

Integrating bio technology by outfitting bugs and even birds has been a top priority in the wonderful world of DARPA. DARPA is our governments advanced defense research arm which provides massive amounts of funding to projects having unique military applications. One of the latest, scariest mergers I’ve seen was when Google aquired a DARPA funded company by the name of Boston Dynamics. This advanced robotics company was a pioneer in developing the scariest robots conceived since the Terminator. Granted, the Terminator is still leaps and bounds ahead of the game, but we’re definately on the cusp. Google owned Boston Dynamics created three very disturbing robots, named the Cheetah, Pedman, Atlas, and Big Dog. The freaking Cheetah can hit speeds of 40mph, Pedman walks and climbs like a human (not as graceful yet, but he can take a blow from a big ass swinging weight and catch his balance), Atlas is basically Pedman gen2, and Big Dog is a creepy headless four legged beast designed to haul military gear over rough terrain. Check them out at the link below.

3.) IXIA formerly Breaking Point
There’s a long history behind this remarkable technology, and it stemmed from the creation of an intrusion prevention system called Tipping Point. Tipping Point was a marvel of a security appliance made to alert enterprises of potential threats, hacks, etc… and Breaking Point was built attempt to thwart the appliance and test it against the latest malware, spyware, trojans, DDoS, and other attacks. Breaking Point even had the capabilities to mimick an organizations enterprise wide traffic, even down to the particular applications. This required one powerful processor and Breaking Point had it. This appliance could fire Gigabits of simulated traffic at any target, and later came equipped with what was dubbed a Strike Pack. A seperate blade system called a FireStorm was introduced in a variety of flavors, including a convenient mobile option to fully support these Strike Packs, as they were updated weekly to provide you with the ability to fire the latest updated Malware, spyware, trojans, viruses, even the latest signature based attacks to test against firewalls, IPS / IDS devices.

Why is this so secret and not available to the public? Our military found this tech extremely useful in taking down enemy infrastructure prior to attacking. Simply start firing traffic at the right IP address and entire Sonets of Fiber Optic cable can be taken out in minutes. So you have a great firewall? This will best will Break the best of them, and its not a matter of if, its whether you’re security will fail in a minute or milliseconds. Tipping Point was acquired by HP several years back, then Breaking Point was acquired by a company called IXIA, don’t ask me how to pronounce it. Anyway, give them a call and ask to purchase a FireStorm. Granted you’ll need about $250k, but your not going to be able to buy it anyway.

4.) Harris Corporation – The Stingray
As most of us are aware, our cell phones make for one hell of a great tracking device and this is little bugger of a tech that does more than just locate you. The stingray works by mimicking a cell phone tower, and your phone is programmed to find you the best signal if you’re using it or not. Come into proximity of one of these appliances and your phone will be happy to provide it with your identity, texts, email, contacts, pics, you name it. Advancements in this former military technology are now speculated to range from bugging your phone to activating your phones audio and video to even better spy on your activities. Unfortunately, local law enforcement was provided with this tech as a resource and who knows how the police are using it because there is no oversite, and courts across the nation depend on the police to drive revenue and municipal business their way.

Imagine an officer hiding on the side of the highway with a stingray grabbing every cell that passes and running that data against a police database. You have an unpaid parking ticket? Well lets make up a reason to pull you over, then we’re ready to impound your car and haul you off to enjoy some time in a cage because your license was suspended. That’s a stretch of a scenario, but not outside the realm of possibility for many municipalities. Good news is there are counter measures that can be taken to help ensure your not completely breached of your privacy. I’ll save those counter techs for another time.

5.) Argus Aerial Spy Cameras – Back in 2011, DARPA had already funded this program which consists of an advanced camera capturing 1,000,000 Terabytes of data per day. That’s not a typo. One million terabytes of video imagery per day, allowing the analysts / controllers to go back in time and zoom in on objects as small as six inches, across the globe. How in the hell did we lose those planes again?

These are but a few of the banned tech’s you can’t house in a mancave without being kidnapped by someone working for a three letter acronym.



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  • Adrian Brohma (aka: adrianconspiracy, me)

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