No red cable on the King County Metro ...

in #seattle6 years ago

I know this is dark, dreary, horrible ...

Today I was thinking "I wish there was a cable, like the yellow cable, but different ..."

If you ride the bus, you know about the yellow-cable that tells the driver "hey man, I'm going to get off at the next stop". But this cable is really quite boring. What is needed is a special bus, with a "red cable", and this cable, if pulled while looking at some wretched creature ... along the side of the road ... well this causes the creature, person, entity, to go up in a puff of smoke. Yes ... what's wrong with me? Or have you felt the same way?

I don't hate people, but I am sick of most of them. I'd like to say that I find "humanity", in its various forms, comforting, but this is simply not the case. The human race, through choices of its own, is drifting towards madness and oblivion. There's no nice way to say it - people are starting to go nuts ... no Al Qaeda or ISIS needed ... no "Black Lives Matters" required ... people, under historic economic and social pressure, are simply breaking down. Maybe it's a dude in Chicago that thinks it's "fun" to raise a dog to hunt and kill other animals ... perhaps it's the "Russians are going to GET US!" crazy ... maybe you hate Trump a whole bunch, like other people hated Obama or Bush ... but you're on the edge of sanity and that queer illness which comes after.

No ...

There isn't some sentinel bus in the King County Metro system that can roam about, with "red cables", identifying the layabouts and ne'er-do-wells and other fiends ... hiding in the shadows of urban confusion ... and they must be dealt with.

None of this will end well Seattle ...

(the "head tax" won't help)

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