At least 50% of the people you know want you dead ...

in #seattle7 years ago

I know - this is a crappy headline/title for a post. I simply don't care and don't have time for niceties. I was waiting for the bus today, the METRO, in Seattle, and an old man and his wife walked by the bus stop - the old man spit near where I was standing, and frowned at me. I have no idea why the old man did this - there was a palpable sense of anger streaming from this worn out old dude ...

Perhaps because it was 11 AM, and, according to this old dude's Social Security cargo prophet narrative - if "Dan" (meaning me) is not at work, then the ponzi scheme fails ... ergo Dan must want the old man dead. I was on my way to buy groceries, I didn't care, one way or another, about this miserable old guy ...

So I'm done at the grocery store, waiting for my bus back ...

The bus driver that took me back, from the grocery store, after buying groceries, she almost killed me - after telling me to have a nice day. She pulled out, with one of those "bendy" buses and nearly hooked me and dragged me. I might have ended up hamburger meat, if not for my cat like reflexes. If a METRO bus injures or kills you, in Seattle, they have a top secret project to send fake EMS to pick up your body (living or not) and take it to a body processing center in Kent, where the human is mined for useful organs, then ground and rendered into cat food ... sold as organic cat food. METRO does this to avoid lawsuits ...

... then there's the dude at QFC (the grocery store) ...

He was a SIMD or Self-Involved-Millennial-Douche, on his phone, staring at the screen, blocking an entire aisle by standing in the middle ... he didn't give a shit ... he was oblivious, in his puffy lime green jacket, made by "Columbia" or "REI" ... shit. He truly wanted me dead, at least that's how it felt.

Times are rough - and there is a growing segment of America that is on a knife's edge with respect to civility and social interaction. It's worse on the freeways. Needless to say, a fair majority of the people you know want you dead.

Remember this, as the days drag on towards spring ...

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