in #seasonsofgiving7 years ago (edited)

Christmas is the season when most people are quite excited of. It’s the time when everyone enjoys the different kinds of parties at work, school, organizations, reunions and other social gatherings. It is the season of exchanging gifts to one another and heating up the best and special dishes and pastries during “noche Buena”. Some would say Christmas season is for the children.

However, not everyone has experience such kind of occasion. Do you ever wonder how the poor and homeless ones celebrate Christmas? We often wonder this when we always see them straying through the busy streets and crowded places to beg coins.

What about the young beggars who are always after the left overs of feasting people every lunch and dinner?

It’s kinda sad to know that it’s already enough for them to receive at least a small morsel of left-over food. Christmas is not always a season of receiving gifts and special celebration but it is a season of “GIVING OUT” that fulfills our hearts.

I’ve come to realize that “It is better to give, than to receive.” And it became the thought that I live by every day. I’ve noticed a lot of street children recently that appeared hungry and were always for food to whoever walks past them.
As Christmas draws near, I’ve come to an idea of “giving” rather than “receiving”.

I called this PROJECT ANNESAYA #4.

I’ve been sparing extra cash for this Christmas season to spend on. So here’s what happened one evening:**

It was 5pm in the afternoon when I started to prepare something to give away. I fried several burger patties to make burgers. Then upon finishing, I packed them up individually with a bottle of juice. I was able to make 40 pack snacks so what I did was I called in all street children nearby then gathered them up in a group. Luckily, the 40 pax covered all of them.

At first, they thought I was a food peddler. Then they’re like: “We don’t have money.”
After I told them that they’re for free, their reaction was priceless. They seemed very surprised with what I had to give to them because it was their first time to receive food from a random stranger.

So there I was distributing food at 6pm.

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What do you think of this cool idea?

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