Seablue Journal: The Ritual Continues.

in #seablue6 years ago

A photo of the beginning of my cigar ritual.


My guilty pleasure each day. I smoke my cigar and meditate upon life and what actions I might take to improve it.

I think a little ritual is important. It creates meaning. What rituals do you have in your life?


Hm, well, I have a ritual which is rather naturally integrated into my life. For a few years now I need about 15 minutes complete mental Silence in order to fall asleep upon going to bed. If I don't give myself these 15 minutes, I won't fall asleep and stay awake the whole night.

I am a regular and fervent practitioner of mental Silence, which means that even though this mental Silence is a necessity to fall asleep I also embrace this necessity because in doing so I am constantly preemptively releasing any potential toxic thought patterns, hence keeping my mind clear. Also a nice ancillary effect is that my dream Awareness is increasing dramatically over time as well as my Intuition!

Enjoy your cigar! ;)

That is a very sound ritual. I think it helps immensely to center ourselves like this on a daily basis.

dressing – in unique clothes, or shawl or sash ritual that i have :p

sometime life just follow that path and you need to go on :)

You have everything you need to live. Cigars and a laptop, that's enough for me.

I enjoy a cigar now and again, b it I guess my ritual is to weather permitting get in a good half hour at least walk before I start work each day

That's an excellent ritual. I was doing some walking many years ago, in the dark before I went to work. I got stalked by a stray dog, nearly run over by cars and just generally creeped out by being alone in the dark.

I could probably walk in the day now if I chose to.

I used to walk at all hours even in some places where it wasnt a good idea, but nowadays my walking is all during the day, well and in the dark to a degree before or after sunrise or sunset at the beach but thats a safe area

Well it sure will make a change ,well not that I have any but getting out and feel free from thing around me makes me do feel great by the way :)

I seem to ride waves of rituals. My current ritual is worship, at-home communion, and meditation. Ahhhhh. Centered.

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