I've been thinking of pursuing some experiences with Scuba Diving - Here's why

in #scubadiving6 years ago (edited)

For the last one year, I've been toying with the idea of scuba diving. I do not really see where this idea came into me, but come, it did. This idea has caught on to my fascination, and I imagine a blue void in front of me, one that I would gladly descend into, to another world.


My Collector's Set of BBC's Blue Planet from 2009 or 2010.

I have always grown up with a strong affiliation towards nature, and this was the time of cheap downloads and a decent enough computer that most kids had access to. I downloaded a lot of stuff, but some of my interests were more in line of bluechip films and documentaries such as BBC's Planet Earth, Discovery's shows on Bengal Tigers, and National Geographic episodes on mega factories, technology of today. Among these, Planet Earth ranks as one of my most favorite shows, followed closely by the Blue Planet documentary series.


I got this Planet Earth Collectors set along with the Blue Planet set. (2009 or 2010)

Now, every time I imagine scuba diving, I get visuals from the Blue Planet in mind. And I love it. I think this is my major motivation; To enter a world so diverse and so amazing, that it teaches you a lot more than you can ever imagine, an experience that can redefine life in a very different way, and then, there is something watching creatures that are so different, yet so alike. We humans can learn a lot from them, and pass them on for future generations to experience and cherish. This, I believe is what I hope to get from Scuba Diving. Hopefully...

I watched the Blue Planet II - The prequel today, and I am lost for words. It makes me all the more want to dive.

I've inserted a link so you can watch the video yourself.

The plan was to originally dive last November (2017). But I couldn't due to an injury I had sustained from a crash and exaggerated by racing bikes last year. I had to drop the whole plan of riding bikes and being able to do much with a right wrist that had been operated upon to fix a fracture in the scaphoid bone. With a cast on the hand and a month of physiotherapy and exercise to look forward to, scuba diving was torn from the list and thrown out.

Today, I watched the video, and I cannot help but dream. This experience is possible now because I've healed more or less completely from my wrist injury, and I am back to riding bikes. This October, when the good time for diving is said to be, my plan is to go for a week of diving in the Andaman islands and also get a beginner certification course done.

I am looking forward to it. It would be an experience to cherish!

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networks like BBC, Nat Geo , discover etc have always been my number one source of motivation to travel! I've always wanted to go scuba diving! I hope you get to!!

I'll, come October!

You should too!

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