Quote Challenge with @Steemitcentral Day 33/60 - Forget Your Mistakes and Move On

in #scquotechallenge6 years ago (edited)

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Don't get frustrated whenever you make mistakes. It is only natural to make errors. However, always rise up from the ashes of your mistakes. Only then do you stand a chance at not repeating it.

Image sourced from Google

About the @Steemitcentral Quote Challenge

Quotes are short lines from written texts or spoken words. A powerful quote, if applied correctly, may be sufficient to change one's life forever. This is why @steemitcentral will be running a quote challenge that will last for the next 60 days.

@Steemitcentral want to bring some of the world's most powerful quotes to the steem blockchain. So, if you're a lover of quotes, we want to hear from you.

How to Enter the @Steemitcentral Quote Challenge

  • Post your best quote (in words or pictures) for the day and reflect on it using a few words (100 max).
  • Use the "steemitcentral tag" in your blog posts.
  • Do well to number your entries. E.g Day 1/60, day 23/60, etc.
  • Link your entry to this post.
  • Use the hash tag #scquotechallenge in all your entries. This will make us find you easily.


Everyday @steemitcentral will comb the entries and reward all the inspiring quotes for that day. Kindly join @steemitcentral on discord.


Lovely quote, another one says to err is human meaning it's in our DNA, if you don't make mistakes then check yourself cause you ain't human.

That is an amazing idea you have there @dawizy because sometimes we forgot that human can make mistakes. If we think in reverse, it is our mistake that teach us to be better.

Lovely quotes @steemitcentral.

You're right, and if we have that mindset that people are bound to make mistakes it helps us to be able to forgive more.

True indeed.

Mistakes are designed for us to learn. It will teach us to move on and face the challenges with confidence.

Here the link for my entry.

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