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RE: Hiking & Philosophising In The Far North Of Scotland (original photography)

in #scotland7 years ago

hi @perceptualflaws You were making me envious of your journeys. I live down South of England now and miss the home country. Several times, I have been round the coastal road, up from Inverness to John O' Groats, across to Durness and down the West Coast. By bike and car. Cross country too. Favourite times staying in Youth Hostels, Strathpeffer, Glen Affric, Durness. Time to go back I think.


Hey @tomcarpenter thanks for the support and great comment, I very much appreciate it. It's simply stunning isn't it, if you travel the route on the right day it's one of the most beautiful places in the world. If you didn't go past Kinlochbervie, lochinver and alongside the summer isles and inverpolly nature reserve I'd highly recommend it. I have some amazing memories of the area and I'm glad you share them, thanks again!

Yes I cycled all the way up the West Coast too. Kyle, Round Applecross (before there was a road), Ullapool, Torridon (stayed at Diabeg as well). Done trips along Loch Maree and round by Stac Polly. One of my favourite photos (on film of course) is Suilven from the coast road near Lochinver. Maybe time to digitise these, or go on another road trip. I have lived abroad for several years and after 2010 the DVLC withdrew driving licences for non-UK-residents. So that limited travel a bit on my UK holidays. Now back in Surrey it's a long way to the North.

Wow what a an experience that must have been, it's simply stunning isn't it! I'm lucky to have also have the opportunity to spend a great deal of time in these areas and they will always hold a piece of my heart. I'm in complete agreement on the Suilven front, it's a simply fantastic, ethereal mountain! Unfortunately the weather wasn't on my side for a picture this time (hence the drone footage) but I'll be back ;) .. Thanks again!!

I found a photo of Suilven and Canisp taken near Lochinver when my wife and I were on a tandem tour of the North of Scotland in 1979. I think the third one is Cul Mor.

Near Lochinver.jpg

That's a beautiful shot @tomcarpenter was it taken along the coast between Lochinver and the Inverpolly nature reserve? The rocks in this area are simply superb!!

We were going to Achmelvich Youth Hostel. In fact you can now use Google Maps Street View. It was along this road.,-5.2888506,3a,75y,157.76h,87.79t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxaNfwYrB0ic8X9YrRnZwfw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

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