
Awesome post bro.

I usually do not read fiction.
That said your my friend so I read it.
It was very good and I hope you are wrong.
I think the world will end as we know it but I don't think the power that created us all will let some punk finish the job.

Thanks for showing love for your friends =)

I sure as hell hope I'm wrong too! I dunno how you parse prophecy, but my grasp of the biblical prophetic post-millenial destruction of the world rather resembles how a non-scientist would describe recreating it with nanobots.

I try to consider such matters in the light of the cultural and educational context of the prophets, whose grasp of nanotechnology, physics, etc., would limit their descriptions of such things as powers, principalities, and intelligent agents (angels, good and evil) of the AI we're building that will surpass the limits of time to create the universe we live in.

I have a theory I call 'The Giant Space Robots of Love from the Future'. You prolly don't want to know more about it than that.

My favorite prophet is Jonah, because the end of his book describes quite well my own perspective. Isaiah was the most accomplished writer, IMHO, and Hosea most provided a model for my life.

Please, don't encourage me to hold forth on my concept of spirituality =p

I forgot to mention this.
In the Book of Jude he quotes Enoch.
Jude 14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, 15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. 16 These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage.

So I had to get a copy of this text.
It reinforced my perception of things and enlightened me more into why and where things are going. My copy was translated from Amharic Which I think is good. I would recommend that you read it.


Here's a little hint to give your writing more impact. Eliminate "passive voice" whenever possible. I don't know if there is a post on this at the Writer's Block, but it's something I learned years ago and it has helped me become a better writer. I don't know the technical terms for these tenses and words, but passive voice is when you use a past tense verb preceded by was or be or being, etc. Such as "He was trying to get to safety," or She was being a bitch." Better to use a more active verb and drop the prefixes. "He ran to safety" or "She was the bitch." I'm not good at conveying this but if you go back through your action scenes and recognize and eliminate all those passive parts and use more powerful verbs you'll get the gist of it and be pleased with the results.

You're well connected with the Writer's Block gang so maybe they can explain it much better.

So, are the hornet drones off to kill the rest of us now as in oops, my bad? End-of-the-world stories are my most favorite of all. Think Dr. Strangelove. Lol.

'I can valk! Mein Fuhrer, I can valk!'


Yep, that's the scenario. Worms are made of meat, too.

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