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RE: Upload Yourself Fool!

in #scifi8 years ago

How about this one?

Upload your brain, then strip out anything that doesn't drive your superego, program that onto a interactive chip, then insert THAT back into your noggin.

Think of all the fun arguments you could have with yourself...or at least that part of you that is hyper-moralizing and always looking at the end result.

You I want a piece of cake
Super Ego You We will get fat and unable to complete our goal for today, taking over the world
You But cake tastes GOOD
Super Ego You The taste of the cake is irrelevant. Prepare to initiate Stage One


sounds like current normal. it's like having pinky and the brain living in there. every part wants a mute button once in a while. i'd want a hub, so i could plug in as many as i currently have a need for. if were able to isolate other parts as well, i could make the brain/mind modular and have different configurations depending on the activity.

taking it seriously, there are so many applications that could be done with that technology.

Of course, there are some frightening possibilities as well, but I focus on the upside potential.

Glad you got the Pinky and the Brain reference...I had forgot about that show

this is not specifically about Pinky and the Brain, but there is a book with two characters who are nicknamed Pinky, and also The Brain. anyone who enjoys the cartoon, may enjoy this book,
The Atrocity Archives, by Charles Stross. this, and subsequent books in this series, read like Lovecraftian horror, James Bond, and Brazil, all mixed together in nearly equal proportion. Stross is an amazing scifi writer. The Atrocity Archives is not scifi.

Happy New year. cheers.

I'll look that up


brain, from the beginning i noticed that he has the voice of Orson Welles, and it occurred to me at some point, that Orson Welles played the famous Charles Foster Kane, in Citizen Kane, and that Kane was also a megalomaniac. this led me to the seemingly inevitable conclusion that brain was actually CITIZEN Brain, aspiring conqueror of the world.

The Brain (voiced by Maurice LaMarche) looks and sounds a little like Orson Welles. In "What Ever Happened to Baby Brain", Brain actually crosses paths with Welles (voiced by Jim Cummings), who is working as a busboy in a Hollywood restaurant; they find themselves inadvertently yelling in unison, "Things will be different when I take over the world!"

good timing! I was just reading this on the Pinky and the Brain wiki page

i thought i'd seen every episode. that's funny.

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