The mad scientists. Part 2

in #scientists8 years ago

In the pursuit of scientific discoveries, some scientists cross the thin line of humanity and become monsters. What motivates such people? Some implement their sadistic tendencies, some chase fame and recognition, and some sincerely believe that helping the development of mankind. In any case, all the scientists, which we describe in this article two parts can be called insane. Make your own conclusions.

Vladimir Demikhov and the two-headed dog

Back in 1954 Vladimir demihov surprised the scientific community and ordinary people showing the monster he created by surgery — the two-headed dog. Scientist created this creature in his laboratory on the outskirts of Moscow. He transplanted the front legs, the shoulders and head of a puppy onto the neck of a German shepherd. Demonstracii both heads could lap up milk out of bowls, but when the milk began to flow out of the circumcision of the food pipe being tightened with fear. It certainly was the biggest dog in the world with two heads. Such mutations are possible in nature, but pups born with two heads usually do not survive.

Demikhov created twenty two-headed dogs for fifteen years, but none of them lived more than 15 years. Affected tissue rejection.

Stubbins Firth — doctor who drank vomit

In the 19th century Stubbins Firth, a medical student from Philadelphia came to an interesting conclusion. He noticed that the yellow fever, which raged at this time in the United States was active in the summer and quiet in winter, from which he concluded that the disease is not contagious. To prove his theory the doctor has shown by example that no matter how he tried to get the fever it never happened

He started with watered fresh black vomit pre-made at the hands of the small incisions. Then he buried the vomit in my eyes, it was boiled for vomiting in a pot and breathe made the pill of vomiting and swallowed it. He came down to the fact that drinking undiluted black vomit glasses and didn't get it.

No matter how Stubbins Firth committed to his idea, but she was wrong. Yellow fever is very contagious, but in order to get infected, you need to get directly vkrov. This occurred, usually from the bites of mosquitoes, which are active in the summer.

The Nazi monster Josef Mengele

Josef Mengele was a German "scientist", who during the Second World war, carried out his experiments on prisoners of Auschwitz. He was personally responsible for the "selection" of prisoners who were taken to a concentration camp and during his work he sent more than forty thousand people to death camps and gas chambers.

Under the guise of scientific purposes Mengele was plunged into the blackest abyss of outright sadism and diabolical inhumanity. For example, he subjected the women to severe shocks, was engaged in the castration of males without anaesthesia, dissected live infants, and in one case Mengele sterilized a group of Polish nuns x-ray radiation.

Needless to say that such experiences are contrary to the basics of ethics and morality. Among these experiments were attempts to change eye color via injection into the eyes of various chemicals, amputation, attempt stitching twins and other inhumane operations. With the "experimental material" did not stand on ceremony, and the survivors were killed.

Electro-necro-dance Giovanni Aldini

At the end of the XVIII century (or rather 1780) Luigi Galvani, an Italian Professor of anatomy found that electrical discharges are able to make twitch the limbs of dead frogs. Based on these experimental data Galvani thought about what will happen if you skip electricity through the body of a man.

This idea was implemented by Galvani's nephew Giovanni Aldini. He went on a tour of Europe, offering to all wishing to witness the "revival of the dead." The most prominent demonstration occurred on the seventeenth of January, 1803. Aldini connect a 120-volt battery to the body of executed killer. One pole of it was connected to the ear, and the other was placed in the rectum, after which the body was hammered in convulsions, reminiscent of the infernal dance.

Living head

Soviet physiologist Sergei, Brukhonenko in the early XX century, managed to create artificial blood circulation apparatus, which he called "autojector". With this vehicle, he managed to keep the dog's head separately from the body alive.The results of his work, he demonstrated to the scientific world at the Third Congress of Physiologists of the USSR. To prove that the head lying on the table, was alive, he showed how it responds to stimuli. Brukhonenko hit the table with a hammer, and the head flinched. He looked her in the eyes, and the eyes blinked. He even fed the head a piece of cheese, which immediately popped out the esophageal tube on the other end.

Andrew ure – the Scottish butcher

This scientist is widely known for his achievements in physics and Economics. But other than that, the medic managed to put a creepy experiment. The doctor took the corpse and put wires and batteries. After applying current, the corpse began to wave his arms and legs so much that he kicked assistant. Many of those present believed that the doctor really will be able to revive the man.

Shiro Ishii – doctor "Pure Evil"

Ishii was a microbiologist and a Lieutenant of the Imperial Japanese Army. During the Sino-Japanese war, he began conducting his experiments in the secret project of the Japanese army.

Activities Ishii was very similar to the experiments of Josef Mengele. Among his "achievements": vivisection (cutting a living) living people, including pregnant women who were impregnated by the doctors laboratory; attempts to swap the limbs of a person; test the grenades and flame throwers on living people; people have been infected with viruses and diseases, with the aim of studying the process of their occurrence.

Thanks to immunity, which he gave Us Peacekeeping Army, Shiro Ishii was not served a day in prison and died at the age of 67 from throat cancer.

Kevin Warwick – the first human-cyborg

Kevin is a world-famous personality (sometimes infamous). He is the leader of the group, created at the time a lot of exotic cybernetic systems.

In 1998, the Professor had an operation, which he put in hand a tiny chip that allowed remote control of devices, is able to recognize his signal. But from the point of view of surgery and Cybernetics in the operation were nothing special: the chip was offline. In 2002, Warwick had sewn the tiny contact area that contains hundreds of the finest thorns. Playground stuck in a major nerve in the left hand of the Professor and are designed for bidirectional exchange of electrical signals from his nervous system. Using thin wire harness derived from the hand at a distance of 15 cm from the implant's internal electronics is connected to the radio transmitter which communicates with a computer. The Professor created an external mechanical arm that mimics the movements of his hands.

John Lilley – the Creator of the liberator of the brain

A scientist, following the request to disable the external stimuli from the brain, he invented the world's first insulated chamber: a dark soundproof tank of warm salt water in which subjects could float for long periods of time in a state of sensory deprivation (isolation). Dr. Lilly together with his colleagues were the first who participated in this study.

In the early sixties he got the idea of the LSD and began a series of experiments in which he took psychedelics in isolated chambers in the company of dolphins.

In the 1980s, the Lilly-led project which attempted to teach dolphins a computer-synthesized language. Later, Dr. Lilly created a project for a future "communications laboratory" that would be a floating living room where humans and dolphins could chat on an equal footing, and where they would find a common language. John foresaw that there will come a time when killing of whales and dolphins would cease, "not because of the law that will take, and thanks to each person who understand from birth that they are ancient, sentient earth residents; with great intelligence and enormous life force. Not those who kill but by those from whom to learn something."

The last years of his life John Lilly lived in Hawaii and was known for his eccentricity, as well as a stable tendency to ketamine.


how is this possible?