Are You Ready? – Scientific Proof For Life After Death

in #scientific8 years ago (edited)

Are You Prepared For Proof of Life After Death?

If you had scientific proof that your life would continue after your physical death, would you change?

Would you live differently, knowing there's something more, something even greater than here and now? What if it was shown that you've had a purpose or purposes you brought into the world on the day you were born?


Because knowing would affect me so profoundly in so many ways, I set the bar for proof very high when I look for answers. I bet you do too.

Finally, I'm 100% satisfied that the work of three doctors, pulled together, has given us scientifically sound proof for life after death. I'm going to give you all the details.

Without having to figure out quantum physics, Many Worlds Theory or understanding what a "multiverse" is, I'd be a fool not to accept the avalanche of evidence compiled from first-hand reports. For me, it settles what I consider life's most intriguing question, once and for all. I'd like to know if it does for you.

The way I see it, there's no longer any reasonable question, just a whole lot of wide open doors for exploring what comes next and what it all means.

Curiosity got me started searching, years ago. An intensive care nurse struggling with the issue showed me Elizabeth Kubler-Ross' groundbreaking, On Death and Dying . My mind went racing.

If there's a life after death, where and what is it? What does it tell us about life in the world we know? Do we now have answers we can trust?

Along with many personal stories starting to hit the book lists, I find well-grounded reports from scientists, Raymond Moody, Michael Newton and Jeffrey Long, fascinating and convincing. All three doctors risk professional scorn for doing the research and, heaven forbid, making what they learn public.

What we now understand should be comforting to science, although it probably isn't, and troubling to established religions. At our cores, we are spirit-based individuals, and there is no strong evidence to the contrary. It's just something we now know.

In Scientific Proof For Life After Death, I'll show you what I consider convincing evidence, and I hope you'll agree that the next smart step is to try to learn more about the details and stop wasting time knocking down an irresistible reality.

Life After Death, In Death, Between Lives...

What are we talking about here?

This is a new world of exploration, and even the term “near death experience” is only decades old. What we’re describing now can be confusing, but taken as a whole, a fascinating picture emerges from the newest evidence.


When Dr. Raymond Moody first wrote about NDEs (Life After Life: The Investigation of a Phenomenon–Survival of Bodily Death), all he really could say is that, in the proximity of physical death, many people experience something other than a disappearance. And not just that, something apparently transcendent. Yet, his interviewees knew about nothing more than a transitional space where they were momentarily suspended when their bodies were clinically dead and presumably unable to think, feel, remember or see.

Dr. Michael Newton took it a giant step ahead when he accidentally discovered what came next (Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives), the life between lives that seems to be our core, eternal experience. It was something like Columbus discovering the Americas. Newton was looking for something else and found a universe of otherness, a place we all come from and return to. A detailed library of recorded regressions into this space, gathered by Newton and his colleagues, leaves little doubt about the general idea but many questions about the details.

Then, Dr. Jeffrey Long, in a rigorous statistical study (Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences), settled it, at least as far as NDEs go. He has established beyond a reasonable doubt that there is an area that many, if not all, of us enter when our bodies fail. His information is gathered from stories told by the few who manage to come back. The similarities prove a commonality of experience far beyond chance to go along with the extreme unlikelihood of any tradition explanation. Taking it a step farther, he rebuts skeptics with thoughtful, factual analysis.

Books written by Eben Alexander (Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife), Anita Moorjani (Dying To Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing) and others collaborate what we’ve learned on a personal scale.

in the end, we have another life, whether after, before, between or in parallel. Something is there greater than the three-dimensions rigged to time with which we’re daily engaged. Knowing about that and learning more is the adventure of a human lifetime.

Dr. Michael Newton's Discovery

Life Between Lives - Proof Of Life After Death

More than two decades ago, Michael Newton, PhD, was a practicing psychologist using hypnotherapy with his patients. In his work, he stumbled on past life regressions as a tool when he had a subject under hypnosis. As a conventional therapist and atheist, he would never have gone there deliberately.


Past life regression does not necessarily mean a subject has past lives but that he or she someone discovers what they believe to be earlier incarnations while under hypnosis. But most practitioners are likely to agree that there are past lives to be explored without agreeing on what they are or what they mean.

The big thing Dr. Newton discovered, though, was something he’d never imagined before he regressed a woman plagued by profound loneliness and isolation. Since she was older, many friends had died, but her loneliness went beyond the usual pain of loss.

After Dr. Newton regressed her through several past lives without locating a root cause, a solution suddenly presented itself. “They’re here,” the woman said, suddenly brightening. She was with her friends and family, embraced by their love. When Dr. Newton asked her to identify the incarnation she was in, the answer was shocking. She wasn’t in any of them. She was with them in a universe between lives.

The discovery inspired twenty years of intensive research and the recording of thousands of Life Between Lives sessions and the eventual founding of an institute to support and collect the research of other doctors who continue exploring the most unusual universe any of us are likely to walk through.

Summarizing what’s been learned from Life Between Lives research, Newton and colleagues have heavily documented people’s revelations of the interstices in which they exist between incarnations. And, these are spaces occupied by them not just before and after incarnations, but partially during them. What he discovered is that our “life between lives” are really our constant lives, a place in which we are permanently rooted.

Although the full complexity and depth of these experiences is currently beyond our grasp, mountains of documentation tell us that we are privileged to become human as a learning, experiencing initiative from an essential place from which we extend ourselves and to which we always return.

Greater detail can be found in the many stories recounted and analyzed in Dr. Newton’s books as well as in my own Michael Newton Souls.

Dr. Jeffrey Long Demands Scientific Proof

Evidence For The Afterlife

Although Long’s mission started only with an interest in collecting objective evidence of near death experiences that could be explored statistically with scientific rigor, what he’s found extends beyond that. NDEs, it seems, cannot exist outside the context of life after death.

Readers should feel free to take in the the information on the website Dr. Long built for this purpose as well as his book Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences. But his evidence and analysis of it is irresistible.


In his book, Dr. Long sets out nine specific criteria to be examined in considering whether near death experiences are universal and consistent. He explores them with exhaustive rigor. He also takes the trouble to debunk the debunkers, taking on skeptics with detailed analysis of their published opinions.

Some of the content in the NDEs reported is exciting, but more so than even the scientifically objective others, his is more an explanation of the science and how it yields truth. His NDE subjects are not different than Moody’s or Newton’s, but they are more carefully picked apart – and still reach the same conclusions.

Only reflex skeptics and those who will not accept the science, no matter how conclusive, can deny the reality and context of near death experiences. We’re lucky so many people have had the courage to face ridicule to talk about theirs.

But then, there’s the other thing. A near death experience depends on an afterlife for context. Acquaintances, friends and family routinely meeting the subject at death’s door, often those the person near death had never met in real life and something those he or she did not know were dead before them.

If not from an afterlife, where do they come from? Taken in perspective of Dr. Michael Newton’s life between lives, the answer is an inescapable revelation of the fuller story of who we are.

Poison and Prejudice Against Life After Death

The Lockstep of Academic Thinking

Recently, I got a whiff of all that’s wrong about the way the conservative academic community closes its collective mind to new ideas. In an article in the New York Times, New York University professor Samuel Scheffler published a piece at least partly intended to promote his own book. The Times assisted by giving him a predictably snarky title: “The Importance of Life After Death. Seriously.”

I guess the Times didn’t want to be beaten in the fight for academic closed-mindedness.

Even though his disclaimer is irrelevant to the content of the article, Scheffler started thusly:

“I believe in life after death. No, I don’t think that I will live on as a conscious being after my earthly demise. I’m firmly convinced that death marks the unqualified and irreversible end of our lives.”

Snigger, snigger.

In a philosophical community lorded over by Richard Dawkins, one must fly his non-believer flag or risk being flooded in the onslaught of academic finger-wagging.

The result? An article I was eager to explore turned me off in its first short paragraphs. How can you trust a philosopher who must bow to rigid principles before making what looked like an appealing statement of conscience?

Raymond Moody's Near Death Experience Discoveries

NDE's Are Individual, But Similar

So much a pioneer that he coined the term “Near Death Experience,” Dr. Moody watched it grow into universal recognition. Thanks to popularizers, especially Oprah Winfrey, most people now understand what is meant by “NDE.” It’s unlikely most are comfortable with what these experiences imply about how we live and what happens when we die.


As a young doctor – Moody is both a medical doctor and forensic psychiatrist – he was intrigued by similar types of experiences critically ill patients confided in him. Other than their similarity, their outstanding feature was that they were bizarre revelations about being in a sort of nowhere land that was neither living or dead.

He began collecting and collating details of the stories that he believed his subjects believed were true. Moreover, in the days before he coined the term, the similarities of their near death experiences were startling if contrary to much of what we believe about reality. He

Initially, Moody stuck by his conviction that the NDE stories proved only that many critically ill patients who survived remembered having them. He did not believe they were proof of life after death and resented religious fundamentalists who used his research to make their case. He also thought the New Age movement overstated the results of his research as spiritual proofs.

More recently, though, in an interview with Jeffrey Mishlove, he said about the NDE research, “it has given me great confidence that there is a life after death.”


Wow you really placed a lot of time into this post, great job!

Thank you so much !!! 🙂

great post. much upvotes to you!
That is very interesting question. I have not strong opinion about it.

While this is a very biased post, and nothing here is remotely "scientific proof", I greatly enjoyed reading it.

Hi @kassie-vegas, looks like you enjoy the subject, it is quite fascinating. I will recommend this video by a researcher Dr. Bruce Greyson from the University of Virginia. The department there has been documenting cases of reincarnation for a good number of years.

Another article that's surprising for some:

Also you might like to check out the Monroe Institute and their hemi-sync work. A friend has used that technique with quite grand results. He has written three books about his experiences that are delightful. The firstone is here:


Soy un ferviente seguidor de las investigaciones y no conocía estos libros, gracias por mencionarlos, los buscar[e para leerlos, yo practico terapias de regresiones a nivel consciente, esa es mi pasión. muchos saludos y gracias por tu excelente artículo

Once I was high AF and saw something weird, I was able to think either about death or enlightenment. After I was normal again that experience gave me so much strength and I was more aware of the world around me. I was hyperactive in all areas of my life, thoughts were of a legend. Then I lost my momentum, later I came to know I am suffering from bipolar disorder.

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