Save The Sumatran Elephant

in #science7 years ago


Sumatran Elephant

Indonesia has several sub-species of Asian elephants. One of them is the Sumatran Elephant. This elephant has a habitat in the forest and bushes on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia.

But now, Sumatran elephants are threatened with extinction. The hunting of the largest mammals on land is getting taller. In the 2017, often found cases of elephant death. The causes vary, but are dominated by conflicts between humans and elephants.


Throughout 2017, many elephants died from electric shocks flowed from the heartland of citizens and palm companies. It also found cases of elephant deaths due to poison. It is also due to elephant hunting.

Many of the cases found dead elephants have no ivory. Elephant ivory is hunted and sold by irresponsible people. Conditions like these are worrisome, remember the Sumatran Elephant is one of the endangered animals.


In addition to conflict with humans, the number of Sumatran elephant populations continues to decline, following illegal logging, forest clearing for plantation land. Both of these lead to disruption of the original habitat of Sumatran Elephants.

Their living population, originally forested, now amounts to 83% of Sumatran Elephants living around the plantation have citizens.

In Indonesia, the Sumatran Elephant is a protected animal based on Law No. 5 of 1990 on the Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and its Ecosystem. Also in the government regulation is PP 7/1999 on the Preservation of Plant and Animal Types.

Characteristics of Sumatran elephants, among them are:

  1. Has a weight that reaches 3 to 5 tons

  2. The grate reaches 2 to 3 meters

  3. Has a lighter skin color than other Asian elephants

  4. Gading Male elephant Sumatran Longer than female

More refference:

Let us protect the Sumatran elephants with:

  1.   reporting a crime against an elephant
  2.   share as much information as possible about elephant conservation efforts

Save The Sumatera Elephants


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