My Recent Research on Memory: Final Thoughts

in #science7 years ago

Today we presented our final results on the study we've been working on for the past few months.


After lots of research and data analysis, we finally were able to share and discuss all that we learned!

We investigated the effect that really exciting/alarming (arousal) and level of pleasantness (valence) had on the recall of non-associated words. Contrary to the popular literature, we did not find significant results. What really worked against us was that we conducted the study via survey rather than in person and could not control for time or environmental factors. However we built a very unique study that, with improved methodology, could provide some interesting answers. We were sort of the first to try and combine both arousal and valence in order to assess recall of a non-associated word.

So though we didn't support our hypothesis, I'm looking forward to continuing this work for my senior comprehensive project.

Just because you didn't find results doesn't mean the data is void. In fact, it only leads to more questions...which allows for more research. Go science!

Here is a close-up of our presentation with more details of our research.

Screenshot (4).png

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