Evolution is just an illusion.

in #science7 years ago (edited)

It is the most controversial theory in history, rejected by some scientists while others are convinced of its truth.
What has science reached so far?


Until now, none of the evolutionists has been able to come up with one proof of the validity of this theory! All that scientists have uncovered so far is to see the evolution of viruses through the microscope .. and its transformation from one form to another .. But they remain viruses .. And do not turn to another object ..

Evolution can change the shape of birds and the size of beaks and feathers and the shape of the tail and the length of the legs ... But in the end remain birds and do not turn to snakes, for example !!

You can see the evolution of an event on humans by changing habits and diet, as has changed the average human life and the average length ... And another development occurred as a result of the impact of the environment or temperature, colorless skin and non-way of life and perhaps the shape of his teeth or the color of his hair, but he remained a human being in the end.

So, what is the evolution that scientists have proven? It is the occurrence of changes in the organism as a result of external influences that lead to a huge diversity in this organism, but it does not turn into another object at all ... and the theory of evolution that confirms that humans came as a result of the evolution that happened on the monkey .. but there is no evidence of this happening !

Even weak hypotheses can not tell us how the monkey learns to speak, laugh, think, invent, art, cry, act, sing, ... How did this monkey get rid of its disgusting shape and enjoy beautifully? The truth is that there is not even a weak hypothesis that explains this to us. All they say to us is evolution. There are scientific proofs. When we look for these evidence, we do not find anything


Experimental research confirms that the virus develops and changes its shape and functions constantly, and this can be seen and monitored in scientific laboratories .. But the problem that this virus does not evolve to another object, but remains the name of "virus" and scientists were unable to see the transformation of type to another type So far ... that is, the theory of evolution has no empirical evidence.

Even if we are convinced that the chimpanzee monkey has become a human being, and we have accepted the words of the evolutionists, how did this development happen? What are the processes that have been done on the monkey and on the cells of his body or on the chromosomes or genes until we have produced this human? What are the processes that occurred on the monkey until his brain became so complex that we find in humans? Of course there is no answer nor explanation is neither scientific nor scientific !!

Evolutionists believe that the monkeys and through millions of years evolved naturally, and once the operations are coincidental and continued these coincidences for millions of years until it produced a person who hears and sees and is happy and sad .. Think and create and contemplate ... Likes and dislikes and envies and injustice and adjusts ... Design aircraft and missiles and invade space and invent Computer and communication devices ... .... And all this came by coincidence!!

Example: Octopus is not subject of evolution

These characteristics are unique to this strange object and do not resemble any other object on earth.


A new scientific study from the website www.dw.com about the octopus indicates that its genetic sequence has characteristics similar to any known animal on our planet, which makes us wonder about the origin of the octopus, especially given its unique form.

A scientific study published in the journal Nature has found that octopus possesses some of the genes that show an astonishing level of complexity. It consists of 33,000 proteins, far more than human genes.

Marine biologists who supervised the study seek to better understand the sequence of the amino acid DNA of the octopus. By deciphering the amino acid of the octopus, scientists have discovered that it does not resemble any animal on this planet.

Researchers at the University of Chicago said the octopus's genetic sequence is full of so-called "jumping genes" - genes that can rearrange themselves in the chain and whose role is still unclear to scientists. But they are able to regulate the expression of the gene and they greatly affect the genetic structure.

And they are many examples.

Finally, I think that everyone who believes in this theory should ask himself: What have this theory done to humanity? What are the inventions on which they were based? What is the scientific evidence that the monkey has become human? Of course the answer is always nothing! Because the theory has already been built on nothing.

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First of all you get in my article and just post yours in th comments... I just read your article and i realized that you certainly didn't read mine, second we already observed 4-8 species evolving the last 10 years, the main example that i do remember is an octopus to Oceania territory which became capable of jumping out of water for like 5 meters. And third Darvin never said that his model is the right one he speculated that evolution works that way and so monkey doesn't have to become human but we speculate that much because we are smart to understand that we share 98% of the same DNA (the 2 percent difference is what make us the masters of the planet actually). So if the monkey never became human something else might did or we might be martians in more ways than the panspermia theory suggests or something else. You get the point i think..

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