MISOPHONIA: A medical condition that affects intelligent people to sounds.

in #science5 years ago (edited)

Scientifically known as Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome (SSSS or S4), Misophony is - more simply - a pathological medical condition that is related to people's intolerance to certain types of sounds.



Treated as a rare condition, it can easily be interpreted as a grumpy reaction to various kinds of noises. The list, for example, is the breathing of someone who has some form of nasal cold, the creaking from the grooves of a blackboard, the heels of shoes or the various sounds that can be made by the mouth.

Medical studies point out that the possible cause responsible for triggering this condition is intrinsically related to negative experiences linked directly to specific noises.

Therefore, it was concluded that people suffering from misophonia developed a kind of hypersensitivity to these sounds (which because they are usually part of daily activities, thus generating an accelerated psychological movement that can result in irritation, anger and in more complicated cases: severe panic).

How to identify Misophonia?


Despite evidence and previous studies, the disease was only officially recognized by the World Health Organization in the 1990s. Since then, the scientific view has become more present and more efficient and from this, it is possible to diagnose some symptoms. (regarded as the most common among sufferers of this problem) that identify this condition:

  • Irritations related to common environmental sounds (nail biting, tooth brushing, clock ticking, chewing gum among other banal examples);

  • Irritations related to more specific sounds (repetition / frequency of consonants during a speech or food swallowing);

  • Visual stimuli should also be observed, because when they are intense - not just them, but the two mentions mentioned earlier - causes an intense anxiety reaction in people with this condition.

One of the most punctual problems related to misophony is elusive behavior, which tends to result in social isolation (which often happens in order to avoid conflict). If a person is naturally introspective or too shy, the effects of misophony can be even more worrying.

How to treat this condition?


The diagnosis is not so easy to make, because it takes a lot of observation before reaching a conclusion. However, there are two routes to treatment:

  • In the psychological field;
  • In the chemical rebalancing of any specific substance.

The measures commonly recommended by doctors treating this condition are to avoid the most disturbing noises (relying on headphones as an attempt to "decentralize" the sounds). If symptoms persist, specialized medical help is the best way to solve the problem.


Wow. I think we all suffer from one or other sound sensitivity. I know I do. But I never Googled it. Thanks for the information. 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

I think we all suffer from one or other sound sensitivity

I totally agree with you, haha!

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