
There was a project to give human beings IR vision by replacing all the Vitamin A in the body. Look at the forums on

I believe I might be one of those UV seers... it's subtle but also in certain neurochemical states it comes out in high saturation.

Possibly. Does it get better or worse with glasses on?
If you don't normally wear glasses just head over to the optician's and try on some plain glasses. See if the light maintains the same consistency.

There is also a form of astigmatism that will cause normal blue light to diverge via prismatic effects.

about 8 years ago i had eye tests done, and i came out 20/15. ie, i can read at 20 what normal is at 15. blue light is a big hassle with vision, always makes everything more fuzzy. so in other words, i don't think i have that type of prismatic aberration in my vision system. i have slight impairment with close vision, i think maybe when i was a kid i could read text at about 4 inches, and now, 6. the optometrist said that a +0.5 lens would help with this but she also said it was so trivial as to be not important. plus i did the test while i was fatigued and zinging out after too many cups of tea.

oh, i do get visual migraines from time to time though. but i think that is purely a visual processing fault not optical.

I'll look into it. Sadly I'm going blind and quickly too. Seems like every day there is less and less I can see.

I know what you mean about super hearing though. I took a hearing test once a year or so ago and there wasn't a sound they could produce that I couldn't hear. I even find dog whistles to be grating.

Cool it's just way more common in women than men. There is something about the Y chromosome that seems to prevent tetrachromacy and also has an impact on trichromacy. There are lots of women with tetrachromacy though. I read somewhere that might be as high as 1:8.

Men do generally have better night vision though. For instance I see in the dark just fine while most folks are stumbling around looking for a light switch.

ah. yeah, my night vision is pretty exceptional too. so i guess i have tetrachromacy as well. i see more colours, and more detail than most everyone i ever met, and i hear more sounds (just over 17khz). i am a freak of nature. in real terms, already a super hero :) at least, statistically speaking, i am a freak.

but i want MOAR!

I am as blind a a bat driving at night....and I am usually the driver after a few drinks! :)

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