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RE: So You Want To Be A Super Hero? - Laser Vision!

in #science8 years ago (edited)

Possibly. Does it get better or worse with glasses on?
If you don't normally wear glasses just head over to the optician's and try on some plain glasses. See if the light maintains the same consistency.

There is also a form of astigmatism that will cause normal blue light to diverge via prismatic effects.


about 8 years ago i had eye tests done, and i came out 20/15. ie, i can read at 20 what normal is at 15. blue light is a big hassle with vision, always makes everything more fuzzy. so in other words, i don't think i have that type of prismatic aberration in my vision system. i have slight impairment with close vision, i think maybe when i was a kid i could read text at about 4 inches, and now, 6. the optometrist said that a +0.5 lens would help with this but she also said it was so trivial as to be not important. plus i did the test while i was fatigued and zinging out after too many cups of tea.

oh, i do get visual migraines from time to time though. but i think that is purely a visual processing fault not optical.

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