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RE: That's not Science, that's Religion

in #science7 years ago

its like this... i dont think there is a big conspiracy by the CDC ect ect. I still trust scientists. one if your links was a wordpress blog so yeah man im sorry but that's a red flag in my book. to be deadly honest yes i am kind of trolling you not because im a shill (LMFAO) but because i find anti vaxxers funny for the same reason i find flat earthers funny. i will honestly read through some of that stuff you posted though i give you my word.. hell maybe you will even change my mind... doubt it but maybe. so just take a few breaths now and relax.


You just basically stated you don't respect me by telling me I am just like flat earthers by stereotyping me, which is another logical fail by grouping/pigeonholing me as anti-vaxxer, after you admitted you blindly trust authority, which is the fallacious appeal to authority and then you used a double standard for your "red flag", sourcing a blog to begin your proof and so you base your concern/red flag on a hypocritical standard, and now you want me to take your word after that and then tell me to "relax"? Tone policing is also another fallacy, do the numerous statements I have made become invalid now that you perceive my tone as aggravated? You can larf all you want at me bro, you can larf at my insinuations about trolls/shills and that's ok, you have no leg to stand on as an individual or someone that cares about what they speak, what they believe, you have no concern and the proof is in the pudding.

Also you are backpedaling on what you said before: a lot of the sites
Which is it? A lot of the sites or one of my links?
Also, you want to argue you aren't a shill but a troll, you really want to stand on that hill now, after I pointed out that you're walking the line?
I don't find flat earth theorist funny, I find them confused, and confused people will confuse reality and real world scenarios, they are my fellow man, they seek to understand but have been given a false narrative. I expressed that there is a conspiracy with vaccinations for a LONG TIME, documented under reporting, documented collusion, and you don't want to look at that, why? Because you DON'T THINK!

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