
CHAMP, you posted the article after what it looks like a cursory internet search, and did you not in fact post 3 "studies", which as you know I didn't even scrutinize but simply dismissed with newer knowledge.
Did you look at the blog from that very questionable mom: all full of pro vaccine bias posts from a "concerned" mom?

Did you know there is a history of vaccinations being scientific fraud that goes back 200+ years, with statistics being under reported for over 150 years?
If you are a real individual and not another shill/troll paid by the vaccine industry I can excuse your bullshit, ok you didn't research, you didn't inform yourself, you didn't question, this article that you decided to comment with your rigamarole is imploring you to do just that, it's understandable that it triggered you into some kind of defense for your beliefs, akin to your argument about why people don't research vaccines being safe, but regardless of what you researched at this point or what you didn't because you chose to not look at anything counter to your beliefs or investigate further, no matter how well read you might be, no matter that you said you didn't care, that then right off the bat without examining the first link I posted, you say that A LOT of my sources look very sketchy, well then we can take it there, obviously you don't want that, obviously, so don't call me champ/patronize me because it's demeaning, ok.

If you care about any of this than great, I'm all for helping my fellow man to understand what scientific fraud is but right now Lots of Lunacy from you is not going to get you anything but my scorn, it's not funny, you walk a fine line between troll and uninformed, your choice in words, lack of candor and respect for my time and effort is showing.

If you care about logic and critical thinking you should look at the following fallacies you fell prey to:
Half Truth Fallacy/Default Bias : posting only information about thimerosal not being dangerous.
False Analogy: the earth is round so that means vaccines are proven efficacious.
Bandwagon Fallacy: There's 500000000000000 studies out there.
Argument from Silence: Don't you think someone would have blown the whistle by now.
A priori Argument: Doing a google search "on vaccines not safe".

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