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RE: Can a mans testicles betray his cheating habits?

in #science7 years ago

union is 2 things made one, and yes you will say no many unions have more than 2 things such as the ...UN..or the European Union etc etc ofr all things big and small....however as soon as more than 2 are added destruction will eventually in war..........Know the future by knowing the past and living in the present........ Union is 2 things made one....all else is a recipe for disaster


I don't think you can equate things such as the UN or EU to natural systems. Sure, the UN and the EU are a result of humanity, but the point I'm trying to get across is that natural selection doesn't select what is "best" (which at the end of the day is a variable opinion) but selects what is stable. And it seems, from our history, that it was stable to maintain a relationship between two individuals, with a slight amount of infidelity. I don't think we can say "know the future by knowing the past" because that implies a certain amount of choice in the past. We can only know the future by knowing the past if we know the choices we made in the past and avoid them in the future. However, I am talking of a time before ancient humans had a choice, and were subject to their biology.

all things are of one thing...however and indeed my good see....quite right..........when one self analyzes they know the future by knowing the past....again and indeed.........before choice was the animal kingdom and that was only instinctual..........and indeed subject to nature or the biology of nature.....however with the original sin .....something had to be done so .....the choice was to get back to now we must know the future by knowing are past........and living in the moment of all things present past and philos the termed creator of philosophy lived in a timeless state of thought paradigms

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