---Bosnian Pyramides---

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Excavation of Pyramids started 2006.
Bosnian Archeologist Semir Osmanagic revealed the existence of pyramids in Bosnia to the world.


In the Bosnian valley of Pyramids huge archeological site 3 Pyramid's are found named:
-Pyramid of the Sun
-Pyramid of the Moon
-Pyramid of the Dragon

Semir is Bosnian living in Houston for 20 years and he has
BC in economics
BC in political sciences and training in sociology
Phd in history of civilizations (about Mayan civilization in central American countries)

He visited many ruins around the world.
He wrote 10 books about the ancient civilizations form Peru , Pacific , Africa, Asia and North America.

When he was visiting his home country he visited the city Visoko in April 2005 and he noticed couple of hills in the shape of the pyramid's.
Based of his observations he noticed that 4 sides of the hills perfectly align with cardinal points. He judged from visiting many pyramid's around the world that this can't be just coincidence and that these hills are not natural and that it must be that these are man made object covered in soil and vegetation. Pyramid’s orientation to the North is accurate with an error of 0 degrees, 0 minutes and 12 seconds.

Further he found many plates and blocks shaped by men.
Scientific examination started from that point:
-Satellite imaginary
-Thermal analyzes
-Radar analyzes
-Topographic surveys

Every single analyzes confirmed that these huge hills are man made objects made of stone.
Huge megalithic blocks are found 7 to 10 tons in weight. In the case of the Pyramid of the moon terraces are found made of sand stone and blocks.
Other then 2 pyramid's complex network of tunnels are found connecting all the pyramid's.

Bosnian pyramid of the Sun height is around 220m and the pyramid of the moon is 190m. Both pyramid's are larger than the Cheops pyramid in Egypt.
There is total of 9 pyramids hills in Bosnia. 5 of them is in the valley of Pyramid's in Visoko.

When 3 tops of the pyramid's in Visoko Sun, Moon and the Dragon are connected perfect triangle is formed with 60 deg in inner angles.
Ancient architect planed construction before the construction is actually done. There are indications that whole area between pyramid's was pawed before in the ancient times. After the initial discovery of the pyramid of the Sun other pyramids are found using satellite imaginary.

Clearing of tunnels started in 2007 and the whole maze labyrinth of tunnels is found connecting all the points. Most of the tunnels are closed with material brought from inside. There are also walls closing tunnels on the sides.

Project of Bosnian pyramid's is open for anyone who want's to join. Volunteers are welcomed and many are joining from all around the world. It was decided that project's remains open for anybody.
Inside of the tunnel's Ravne you can find some stalactites which is showing that the tunnels are older then stalactites.
Uranium method analyzes showed that stalactites are around 3000 years old.
Passageways are on 90 deg and 45 deg. Inclination of the tunnels is 1.5 deg showing that water drainage was planned during the construction.
Inside of the tunnels megalithic blocks are found in different shapes. On 2 megalithic symbols are found untranslated so far.

2 experts of Geo Radar technology were exploring the possible opening and passageways within Bosnian pyramids.
44 anomalies were found , passageways within pyramid's. They are about 4 meters deep.

Foundation which is progressing the work is called "Archeological park Bosnian pyramid of the Sun Foundation".
Local community is helping granting the permits for research.
Unfortunately all the way from the begging local conservative circles of archeologist and geologist are against the project and doing everything to stop the project. They are helped by European archeological association which is boycotting the project.
Letter is sent to all national archeological associations which are joined in boycotting the project. Foundation asked for help from other non-European archeological associations in the first place Egypt.
Dr. Zahi Hawass from Egypt recomended the experienced geologist Dr. Ali Barakat. He arrived in Visoko in May 2006. After 42 days of research, at the press conference in Sarajevo on 23rd June, he stated in his written report that the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun was a “man-made pyramid”.

Two days later, Dr. Zahi Hawass convenes an urgent meeting in Cairo: between the Ministry of Tourism of Egypt, Ministry of Culture, and his Supreme Council of Antiquities. Subjet was: “Influence of the Bosnian Pyramids discovery on tourism in Egypt.” Considering that tourism and pyramids are the main Egyptian industry earning $15,5 billion dollars per year, fear that they could lose, let’s say 20% (or more than 3 billion dollars) because of the discovery of Bosnian Pyramids, disgusted them.

After the meeting on 25th June, at noon time, Zahi Hawass holds a press conference during which he says: “There aren’t pyramids in Bosnia, just a pile of stones. Blocks weighing 30 tons are natural. Barakat is no pyramid expert and Osmanagich is hallucinating.” Hawass writes a letter to the Institute of Minerals of the Egyptian Government, where Dr. Barakat works, and asks his boss to fire Dr. Barakat.

"Archeology doesn't belong to archeologist only it belong to everyone it belongs to the people"

This is the position where Foundation is standing from the beginning of the project.
Globally Conservative archeologist are confronting the finding not only from this project then from the progressive projects from all around the world.
Sensational discoveries from China, Japan, Cuba , South America and other places of the world are changing the world history but they are confronted by conservatives and archeological associations.

Because of the size of the project excavation started on different sections on different sides of the pyramid and on the different levels. Pyramid of the Sun has 16 sections and of the Pyramid of the Moon 28 sections.
All sections are 5x5 meters in order to show terraces and sometimes long as 15 meters.
With current progress speed it would take around 200 years to completely recover the Bosnian pyramids.

Foundation is working from 2006. New mysteries are found every day.
Foundation website is updating the news frequently.
Because of the long period of time and readability of the blog post it is impossible to cover everything in one blog post. I will update this post and write more about the latest events.
You can read the news and updates on the foundation website:
Website is supporting several languages.

The whole world should support this guy and discover ancient mystery in spite of the all odds

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