Physics and Consciousness #2 Entanglement: Physical Separation is an Illusion?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Entanglement is one of the most incredible discoveries of quantum mechanics, I briefly explain how it works (if there is any physicist who reads this post, forgive me for the simplicity with which I "explain" this topic, but it seems useless to weigh people who know nothing of the subject, with technical notions, only risk To make them bored)

Follow the reasoning on this image:


Entangled Light Source is a particle generator that has been very close to each other for a long time (subatomic, long time, can mean just a few seconds, the subatomic world moves much faster than ours)

these particles are separated and carried into two detectors, these detectors "force" the particles to collapse in a certain state. Collapsing in a state, it's as if the observer asked the particle for information about particle itself (In this case it is information about the quantum spin)

Just understand that at the two particles we go to ask: Is your spin UP or DOWN? (They are the two values that spin can take) The amazing thing is that when we go from a particle to ask if its spin is UP or DOWN, (So we make "collapse" the particle in a certain state) Immediately the other particle "collapses" even in a certain state


In some way, the particle that is observed, and then collapses, forces the other particle to collapse too. When we perturb a particle, it is as if the other one can fell the influence. And this happens without there being any contact between the two particles, even in the vacuum, even at enormous distances.

But that's not all, the most amazing thing is that this "exchange of information" between the two particles seems to be Instantaneous. So this violate Einstein's general relativity law according to which nothing can exceed the speed of light.

If I have two electrons that rotate around the nucleus, the more outer electrons, the ones that give rise to the chemical properties, and these electrons rotate at the same distance from the nucleus, the respective spins must be one UP and the other DOWN. This is called the Pauli's exclusion principle by Austrian physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who was patient of the famous Carl Jung.

history teaches us that Pauli had problems with his wife, and going from jung, who possessed a brilliant mind as that of Pauli, they make a strong friendship. And jung elaborated his superconscious theories starting from Pauli's quantum theories. These are things that hardly teach at school, because not everyone is curious and so informed. So many things of the great Jung, derive their origin in quantum mechanics.

But let's go back to the electrons, this exchange of information between the two electrons is as we said ** Instantaneous ** and works at any distance, think: we pair two electrons for a "long time" (in subatomic terms), then divide them and we hold one on earth and send the other in the deep space, far away, light years from us.

Now, light will take years to go back and transmit information, and according to Einstein nothing in the universe is faster than light, but the information of our particle would come instantly. It's a wonderful thing.

It is possible that space is actually just an illusion? Is it possible that things seem to be separate on this plane but that they are not at all on another plane? If in reality, in the real reality, things seemed to be separate but had they never been?

It may mean that our sense of perceiving space is just a sensation due to our senses, but it's not real..

Why is this really amazing?

Because this would affirm what the Vedas said 7,000 years ago, in ancient India, in the Indies of the Masters, when in their texts they wrote of a superior force that surrounds everything. They wrote that in this reality we are all one, and that separation is just an illusion due to our mind.

So dear friends, this means that modern physics is getting closer and closer to the great mystical truths of ancient traditions.

With this thought I close the first part of the post, I hope you liked it :) I'll look forward to your comments, and as always Happy Steeming !!!


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Seems like there's some sort of switch that holds entangled particles together. But how the switch could manifest itself faster than the speed of light is baffling. Thanks for the interesting post. Following you!

Thanks for commenting @steemmate :) thanks for following me too, I'll soon write the second part of this post, stay tuned and Happy Steeming :)

Hi, your article has been featured in the Physics-Trail Magazine N.3!
Please take a look and appreciate any comments. Thanks!

Thank you @physics-trail, I'm honored by your decision :) I'll look at it immediately

well...everything can be a illusion... I am following you now!

This is exactly the point...I think that everything i just an illusion..and wen we'll die we'll notice it :) Thanks for your comment and for your following my new friend :) Happy Steeming

Steem on my friend! I really hope we will find out the truth after we will die!

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