3 Ways Why Babies Are More Psychologically Advanced Than We Ever Imagined (Authored by @steemist and Edited by @venuspcs)

in #science8 years ago (edited)

Babies are sweet and everyone loves them. They bring joy to our lives, and fill our lives with happiness. They are innocent and that's what makes them more unique. Personally, I love babies very much. All of us think that we know everything about babies and we underestimate them sometimes, but today you might wonder that “babies are more psychological advanced than we ever imagined”. I will describe 3 ways that babies are more advanced than our imagination.

1. Sleeping Babies Can Sense When There Is A Fight Between Parents:

Image source: webmd.com

Often times, some husbands and wives will say to each other, in anger: "wait till the baby is sleep and then I'll tell you what!" and they do not realize that even sleeping babies can sense their fight; which could harm babies emotionally. Although it happens more when the tempers of parents stay flared up every day. It might sound awkward, right? But it is proven from researchers. Lets go into a bit of research which is very interesting:

Researchers asked some mothers to complete a survey to measure how often tempers flare at their homes, then they analyzed the brain activity of 6 to 12 months old babies with the help of advanced and functional MRI. They took those babies to their laboratory and put them in their laboratory scanner when babies were sleeping. They arranged the stuff like babies wore headphones which delivered some angry tones and neutral tones to ears of babies. They were monitoring the reaction continuously.

Results proved that babies whose parents frequently used to fight with each other experienced a great neurological response to angry tones as compared to other babies whose parents do not often fight.

Source: Smithsonian Mag

2. Babies Remember People With Whom They Met Only Once:

Source: Stefanie Plum Photography

From the appearance of babies, they look like weak minded and low-memory creations because they are in their small age and have still yet to grow, and that's exactly what most of us think about our children.

Danish researchers found that even three years old children could remember the face of people with whom they met only once at the age of 12 months. Meaning, a child met a person at the age of 1 year old and even after passing 2 more straight years, he can remember the face again. It is proven from research.

They tested a child who met a person at the age of 12 months. They presented the video of the person to whom the child met at the age of 1 year and they presented the video of another 3 years old child, and they found that the child stared longer and stranger as compared to the person to whom he met. Although the child couldn't tell through his voice; but eye-tracking data proved that child was trying to figure out who is this stranger because he looked at him for the first time.

Source: Science Direct

3. Babies Are Able To Smell Mother's Fear And Adapt It:

Source: WeSharePics

Yes mothers, its true. It is often noticed that if mother fears a certain thing, then kid also develops fear from the same thing, and that's exactly what experts suggested. They mentioned that when mother fears of something, she left odor for her child which is then adapted by the child and he starts to fear what his mother fears of.

They further mentioned that it is not only about natural fears. Even in the womb of mother, child can smell the odor of mother and quickly learn those things too which includes fear. If a mother went through something which caused her to fear something then this odor will be transferred to child and that child will quicly learn it and start to fear the same thing.

Source: Science Daily

Interesting, right? Honestly, I love to learn about new things and I love scientific experiments. I hope that you enjoyed reading this post. I'd love to write more ways but for now, lets keep it to 3 and I will see if I could make a continuation post in the future.

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I really enjoyed this post ! And i will certainly be following steemist now! As I alredy follow you! Thanks 😊✌👍

I often find it ridiculous when adults inferiorize children, especially babies just for being young.

Young humans in some cases have much better traits than adults, a baby is playful, calm, joyful and very spiritually free. An adult is just so enslaved.

So really adults have to be ashamed when they inferiorize children.

i agree with you ,also scientists say that babies are smarter than adults

I am not sure what you mean by smart, but definitely babies learn quicker and adapt fast to the enviroment. Adults are sloppy.

Good read! Babies are far more intelligent than we give them credit for. They learn at an exponential rate making sense of everything around them and learning millions of things from the tiniest to the biggest.

Babies are mini human bombs. We pinch their cheeks to diffuse them. When they are ripe, we squeeze them for their baby oil.
i love baby carrots.

babies sense all things with their bodies. They dont understand but the feel a lot more than grownups

When my kids were babies, I made sure there was plenty of noise in the house while they went to sleep because real life is hardly ever silent. It may have bit me in the bum at some point because waking them up for school nearly impossible! LOL
I know that's different from fighting but I rarely fight with anyone . We simply have a very loud household. :)

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