Why Is Hydrogen the Most Common Element in the Universe ?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe , to know why ,  we need to go back to the Big Bang .

The elements on the periodic table were created by  The Big Bang to help building the Universe .

Each element is unique and have its own  number of subatomic particles (protons  , neutrons and electrons).

Hydrogen have just one proton and one electron ,  it's the only element that doesn't have a neutron.

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe and the simplest.

Hydrogen is mainly used by stars , were hydrogen atoms fuse to create helium (helium is the second most common element in the universe).

Helium has 2 protons, 2 neutrons , 2 electrons , and together helium and hydrogen make up 99.9 % of the known matter in the universe . Even with that fact , there is still about 10 times more hydrogen than helium in the universe.

 The 3rd most common element is Oxygen , it is  is about 1,000 times less abundant than hydrogen.

 In general, the higher the atomic number, the less abundant is the element is 

However , Earth composition is different from the Universe , we have oxygen as the most common element on Earth (by weight) , followed by  silicon, aluminum and iron.

In the human body , the most common element by weight is oxygen, followed by carbon and hydrogen.

Hydrogen has many roles in the human body as for the stars.

 Hydrogen bonds help give DNA its signature twist, and it helps the stomach and other organs maintain the correct pH, or how acidic or basic it is

 Ice to float on water because of Hydrogen , because the hydrogen bonds push the frozen water molecules apart, making them less dense.

 However, hydrogen can also be dangerous . In 1937  36 people got killed because of hydrogen gas reacting with oxygen ( Hindenburg blimp catastrophe ) .

Hydrogen bombs can be very destructive . Like atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs uses a combination of nuclear fusion and fission reactions that cause destruction, and release radiation and mechanical shock waves when detonated !

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