Pumpernickel, I got that out of the way. I actually don't trust most herbal remedies. Maybe, it's because of my background in biotech, or most likely, how many people have been harmed by believing in a herbal treatment?
I understand the distrust of the government and pharmaceutical companies. Thalidomidewas considered safe, but it's legacy shows it wasn't. There are many drugs that have made it to market with known side effects. I understand; this type of mistrust in big pharma.
I do think/know that some herbal remedies work. The problem is there is the assumption and cult like belief that there is a herbal remedy for every ailment. Even genius like Steve Jobs used herbal treatments for cancer. On the other hand, preventing disease using diet has a growing amount quantitive data backing it. There's more than enough proof for us to overhaul our ag-industry. I'm all for dietary prevention of diseases.
Thanks for posting, and I hope people heed your warning.