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RE: Deep Dreaming About Global Warming

in #science7 years ago

Very Interesting Carl!
I come from the other side of the question, I am skeptical due to all the supercharged political baggage Global Warming has attached to it, but just a cursory examination of the facts leads me to surmise that something is happening. "Global Warming" has been noted on MARS, of all places, and the screamers have no answers for that. It's the SUN, and we have absolutely Zero Control over old Sol. Zip, Zilch, NADA. Perhaps we will find some actual reductions in overall Earth mean temps as the Sun progresses through the Grand Minimum part of the cycle. It is a 300 year cycle, and it is coinciding with the similar 100 year cycle also at a low point. Don't quote me on the names, but I believe I got the years right LOL!!! I heard it on the radio, a talk by some famous meteorologist, who did note that we are going through some changes that are presently unexplained. I'm taking a wait and see stance, but I doubt that it will ruin my life if I am wrong. I am also presently working on a solution for power production that would totally eliminate C02 emissions associated with our electrical needs. I am not above catering to environmentalist's wishes if I make it work! ;)


hey good luck on the clean energy solution! I like the sound of that :) Have you posted about that here on Steemit? Drop me a link if so

Not yet, if I made a video presentation about the device, it would be about 4-5 hours in length, if I discussed all aspects :D
I could do it in several posts I think.

well sounds interesting and I definitely wish you good luck getting this into production! Cheers - Carl

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