Michael Smith: The Scientist Who Purposefully Put Bees To Sting His Penis And Testicles!

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Bee sting (credit)

Sometimes scientists do some really weird experiments. And by weird I mean, really, really weird! What is the driving force? Curiosity? Boredom? Perhaps stupidity? Well, I think a combination of all these three along with some bravery for topping was what was needed for the experiment  Michael Smith did while being a grad student at Cornell University.

Our story begins a few years ago with our hero getting stung by a bee in one of the worst places a man can be stung. His testicles! Most men would be permanently traumatized by the experience. But Michael isn't most men. Instead he decided to go on a journey. A journey to answer the question that has plagued mankind for centuries:

What is the most painful place to get stung by a bee?

If only he was a nazi researcher back in the 1940s.... Getting...volunteers was so much easier back then! Now the legislations make the life of researchers so much difficult when it comes to human experiments.

Michael didn't have time to deal with legal mumbo jumbo so instead run the experiment like a real man. All by himself. He would be both the researcher and the guinea pig. All he needed was a some bees and he was set to go. 

In total, Michael designed an experiment with twenty-five sting locations throughout the body. The experiment was so meticulously designed that Michael actually received "approximately 5 stings per day for three months BEFORE the experiment, so no changes in his immune system were to be expected over the course of the experiment ".

If you go and read the actual paper you will be really impressed by the lengths he went to make sure he would measure something subjective like pain as best as humanly possible. And no pain would stop him from doing a job well done. He was even willing to get stung in the eye (WTF?!) but didn't because doctors advised him not to do so cause there was a good chance he would go blind...Pffff...Why are doctors such big wusses everytime?

The areas Michael got stung by bees (credit)

After getting stung over another 38 days in areas like his penis, testicles, nipples, ears and other sensitive and not-so-sensitive places the results were out:

  • The three least painful locations were the skull, middle toe tip, and upper arm 
  • The three most painful locations were the nostril, upper lip, and penis shaft

There is only one problem I see with Michael's experiment: 

Although it does answer the question "what is the most painful place for a man to get stung by a bee" it doesnt answer the question "what  is the most painful place for a woman to get stung by a bee". Do I have a female volunteer?


That's another reason why women outlive men :P

And no! I won't volunteer to any of your crazy ideas!

all for the sake of science @ruth-girl LOL
hope all is well with you, long time !

Hey @mcfarhat!!
Everything's great, I hope the same for you! :)

it must be crazy bt enjoyfull......

I would suggest a second male volunteer to confirm the results of the first :)
But I would still feel bad for the poor bees....

Science demands its sacrifices :P

And yet .. nobody cared about the poor bees... :(

So true, when a bee stings you it dies. Generally they avoid conflict.

Usually to avoid getting stung by bees, wasps, and other stingy things you stay calm and let them cruise along their way.

They died in the name of science. It's an honorable death!

very useful, I who did not know to know thanks to what you share bro

You are welcome

I'm impressed he performed these experiments in triplicate.

He was a man truly dedicated to his cause!

Καλά ο τύπος ήταν άρρωστος.. άφησε να τον τσιμπήσει εκεί κάτω ;; από κάτι τέτοιους πήραν αέρα οι γυναίκες και το παιζουν εξυπνότερες..

”In the name of science...” 🤔

I like the man. He has so much balls and wanted to see if they were strong enough to accommodate the pain. For the female experiment, I think women have so many sensitive spots and and the G-spot happens to be the most sensitive...so,put the bee there and let's see what happens.

Ίσως απο παρόμοια πειράματα να βγήκε και η λέξη πρήξαρχ**ας... xD


Thought it was an experiment to see if the swelling will make it larger lol

You have to really 'nuts' to do something like that! ;) I had a good laugh at this post! Thank you.

And thank you for the support. Glad you liked the post, I had fun writing it too ^__^

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