
Wow, thank you very much! I am glad you enjoyed the post!

I would have sent you the link, but Google+ does not give full access unless you are a member, but this is a vague impression of what the community is like:

My community does have 7000 members.

Are you on Google+? Their Science Community is massive (683,000 members). It would be like epic awesomeness if Steemit #science got that huge. It will be interesting to see what develops when Steemit has some form of specialized communities as forecast in the recent Roadmap.

I have a google+ account, maybe I should focus on trying to get my steemit articles more attention there. I didn't realize there were so very many science readers there. Perhaps posting more material could bring more of them here and help continue to improve the quality of steemit science content.

When specialized communities become a thing here we have been discussing making a #steemstem community, to focus on quality science writing.

Some Ideas

Google+ STEM Community has 69,000 members to recruit from. What I would suggest is post your articles on Steemit AND Google+ and have some kind of mechanism to quantify the results you get.

In the past, I did have some success recruiting Google+ people from the Transhumanism communites to join Tsu (a now defunct blog-for-pay social media). I sent a personalized sales letter to each individual and got a surprising number to join and participate on Tsu. I don't see why it would not work for Steemit.

It does help if you have built up some reputation on Google+ rather than sending a a cold sales letter. If they have seen your name around they will be more adventurous about signing up for a new social media.

You have posted a large body of work here on Steemit that you can share over on Google+. That will get +1s, comments and some reposts. Each post on Google+ has an area that tracks all activity; here is where you get your prospect list because they have interacted with you, recognize your name and like what you do.

Nonetheless, Some moderators on Google+ may not support your recruiting on their turf, but once you get someone to read your pertinent article here on Steemit, then they are fair game for recruitment.

Of course, you could just bring people here without data and hope for the best, but I used to be a professional saleman and I believe in quantifying everything to maximize sales. Furthermore, I know that you as a scientist know that it's all in the data.

Science is like a top 10 community on Google+. The interest is there. Personally, I see no reason why Science etc. couldn't become the premier community here on Steemit.

Thank you for the advice I will give it a shot!

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