Virus rumor : What is HIV or AIDS in mosquito bites?

in #science7 years ago

The question arises in many people, if mosquitoes spread many blood-borne diseases, what is HIV spread? Could AIDS? Mosquito bite will not be infected with HIV, AIDS will not be too. Need to know, getting HIV and getting AIDS is not the same. Yes, the cause of HIV virus AIDS. But AIDS is the next step in getting HIV. In brief -

HIV positive patients

It refers to the time in which life has been infected by the HIV virus. After getting HIV, no symptoms can be given or symptoms like flux (flu). That is why it is not common to have fever-colds that are infected with HIV. Flu or fever-prone symptoms appear when most viruses are infected. (For example, in the winter, the fever that we are infected with fever may be about 100 types of viruses.)


AIDS is the situation when the body's defenses are reduced drastically (this is not a genetic cause), which is less than 200 cells per microliter in the body of special cell CD4+. So, not only will AIDS occur when HIV is infected. AIDS is the last step in HIV infection. In simple terms, if you are infected with HIV, you will carry it all the time, but depending on your treatment, body defense, virus strain etc., depending on your AIDS. Currently, many HIV patients die by normal antiretroviral therapy (CATT / heart), living normally (this does not mean that the virus is gone from their body or they are completely HIV free).
Now come, whether mosquitoes will spread HIV? The answer is, "No".

HIV does not spread with mosquitoes. Explain the reasons below.

1. Mosquito and Index / Syringes are not the same:

The same needles / syringes are more likely to cause HIV. The probability is high when the needles used by the person with HIV are used in a short period of time. For this reason, those drug addicts (drug addicts) are more likely to be infected with HIV (most likely to be affected by hepatitis virus). Now, why index / syringes and mosquitoes are not explained in some points below.

A. Blood volume:

The index / syringe keeps the blood separate from the external environment for a while (I do not know how long!). Now, those drug addicts, they quickly share the same syringes with one another. The amount of blood taken from the needles and syringes is more than the blood in the mosquito's body. It increases the likelihood of HIV spread. On the other hand, when a mosquito consumes blood from a person, it can take very little blood. The number of HIV in an HIV-infected person (copy) can be 40-75 copies of almost 1 million copies per milliliter (when HIV is fully active). Now, a mosquito (female mosquito) once bites one-third of one-liter lunar or one-and-a-half million part blood (link: 1 and 2)). Yields carry one-third of one thousand milliliters or one-third of one-third of blood. Auctioneer, carrying one million copies of the millimeter to the blood of a mosquito bites. Then, if the mosquito bites the person, then it can take a maximum of 333 copies or 200 copies of the virus. Here it is said, mosquitoes usually eat peripheral blood. There are not so many (1 million / ml) virus in those blood vessels (and many other places) in the body.
Nevertheless, the auction is in the person's body. Now, mosquitoes are not helpful in multiplying HIV or anything that helps to keep HIV active (actually completely destroyed). Moreover, HIV is destroyed outside the human body (unless the special temperature in the lab (-80 degree temperature and special chemicals are stored on the fluid). So, most of the virus in the mosquito will not be active. However, assuming, about one hundred HIV The mosquito remains active, however, that mosquitoes do not carry enough viruses to spread HIV, at least, the mosquito needs 200 copies or more of the virus.

B. Blood transfusion time:

Still, it was caught, there was enough virus in the mosquito. Now, a mosquito usually rests for several hours after the blood meal. Thus, to make HIV infection, it is no longer necessary to bite another mosquito. And if you bite it will not spread. I say the reason below.

C. Mosquitoes spread their saliva in the human body, not blood:

When a mosquito bites a human, it does not spread the blood of other people, but rather spreads its saliva. All the virus spread through mosquitoes spread through mosquito saliva. Now, if you look in the eyes, the mosquito's hull (mouthpiece) seems to be one (Figure 1). But in reality it is different.

                      figure 1: Mosquito Body


When mosquitoes are in our body to eat blood, then a narrow needle-like limb body pierces through the skin as a prognosis. (Fig. 1) When the mosquito enters prognosis, mainly the two main components are seen.

               Figure 2: Two major components of mosquito prolapse.


(marked with green color) spreads saliva and other chemicals so that blood flow is normal. Helps in hitting two skin in the remaining fours. The two tissues help keep the blood in the mouth and help the mosquito.

Now, when the mosquito takes blood, he removes part of the water from the blood (originally releases the blood of red blood cells). Now when mosquitoes eat the blood, they will not give blood to another's body, but rather to salivate. HIV can live only in human blood CD 4+ cells. So there is no possibility of mosquito larvae (where blood is not there), that is, mosquito bites.
This YouTube link (France with a completely video!) Can easily understand how mosquitoes eat blood
(link: 3 ).

2. HIV is destroyed in mosquito stomach

    Figure 3: Six needles of mosquito. The mosquito spreads its saliva with green needles and red needles. The rest 
    needles help to eat blood while dragging the skin. For the convenience of conveying the color.

HIV can not live without CD 4+ cells of human beings. When mosquitoes eat HIV blood, they go to the stomach. The mosquito's stomach acid destroys HIV. Because, HIV enveloped virus that is sensitive to pH (acid-alkalimeter), temperature and humidity. And there is no breeding of HIV in mosquito stomach. If a virus can not reproduce mosquitoes, it can not spread through mosquitoes. Generally, the virus that spreads through mosquitoes comes to the body through blood, then reproduce in the body of the mosquito, mosquitoes can sometimes get infected (in case of all viruses), later on the virus redesign of mosquito redness. So when the mosquito bites, the newly released salivary virus by the mosquito (fig. 4) Since HIV is destroyed in the stomach and no breeding, HIV can not spread with mosquitoes.

      Figure 4: Viral spreading techniques through the body of mosquitoes. Because HIV can not survive the mosquito's 
         stomach, it does not spread.


3. HIV is included in the category of retroviruses:

HIV is included in the category of retroviruses. On the other hand, viruses spread through mosquitoes or pests are called arvoviras. The virus of the Arvovirus group completes the process of reproduction in two ponds (host example: humans). Their reproductive nature and the genome structure of the virus differ from the retrovirus class. In addition, in the evolution, Arvovirus chose all the ways to adapt themselves to the insects and the body of the host. On the other hand, HIV has evolved only for people to adapt themselves.

4. Mosquitoes mainly eat red blood cells in the blood

Basically this should be the main argument. But in general it is to bring other logic to the context. Mosquitoes mainly eat blood for red blood cells. The amount of protein in red blood cells is high. On the other hand, one of the five types of white blood cells of HIV, two types of lymphocytes (B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes) attack one (L-lymphocytes) two major units (CD8 + and CD4 +) (CD4 + T cells). (Not many more branches, especially T cell has more than six types of cells. WikiLink to read the details: 5 ) There is about 4,500 to 10,000 white blood cells in the blood of every microliter (one liter of 1000 liters) (link: 6 ). There are 450-1690 CD 4+ in every microliter in the blood of the human being (link: 7). Now when AIDS happens, this number goes down to 200. So how many cd 4+ tissels are there in mosquito bell? If the mosquito is consumed by blood, the maximum amount of HIV (the number of points will be reduced now) will not be equivalent to attacking. According to a group of students in Nature, one hundred thousand mosquitoes should be bitten once, where all mosquitoes will have HIV-infected blood. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that HIV will be affected.

Mosquitoes are not carriers of HIV. Such as mosquito hepatitis B / C carriers too. These three viruses are at the top of the blood-type viral disease.

Finally, mosquitoes do not spread HIV in a nutshell . Because, HIV does not survive in the body of mosquitoes, does not breed and there is no way to spread HIV through mosquitoes. Let us know, let others know.

[No science-related links were given. However, those who are interested can read HIV reviews in Pomade.]

  1. Tried to write simple words simply to understand. I've dropped many scientific term.
  2. If you have further questions, you can make comments or send a message.
  3. Sorry for the big post.
  4. I would be very happy to mention the error-statement.
  5. There may be application of grammatical errors and incorrect words.

Thank you
Mir Mubashir Khalid Graduate Student,
The J. David Gladstone Institute, (Auto's Lab, GIVI)
San Francisco, United States of America.
PhD Candidate,
Erasmus Medical Center, (Mahmudi's Lab, Biochemistry)
Rotterdam, The Netherlands



helpful article but very poor english

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