Cosmic dictionary. About the Planets, satellites, stars, galaxies.

in #science7 years ago

With our cosmic body, it is different from cosmic objects. Some are very familiar to us, and some are not well known. Let's know some well-known, little-known, and unknown (maybe) strangers.

In the first step we will know about planets + satellites> stars> galaxies. In the second step, we will read about some special stars. And in the last step, we will know about some short term.

Let's start!

1) Orbit: The orbit is the object of the object in the universe. The origin of the word from the Latin word "orbit" [circle]. Although some orbits are round, yet most planets are orbital (Oval Sheeped).

2) Planet: The objects that turn around the sun are usually called planets. The name comes from the Greek word "planets", which means "wanderers" or intriguing. There are eight planets in our solar system. Such as Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. It was proved in 1994 that the planets present outside our solar system So far, a total of 715 planets have been discovered in other solar systems.

3) Satellite: The objects that travel around the planet in their own orbits, they are called satellites. For example, the Moon is the Earth's satellite.

Since the Earth's satellite was named Moon, so when Galileo Galilei discovered the four moons of Jupiter, the scientist Johannes Kepler wrote to him, saying that he would call them "satellite" without calling the moon. The word "satelles" comes from the Latin meaning "companionship".

                          The planet Jupiter and its largest satellite Gannimid

4) Asteroid: The name suggests that they are planets + molecules = small planets. Surrounding the sun, they are rotating and their properties are similar to the planets. So far, more than five thousand asteroids have been discovered. Mostly located in the middle of Mars and Jupiter. They are usually irregular structures. The discovered asteroid's diameter was found to be 940 kilometers to 10 meters.

                             Aadha is seen in the picture. On the right side, his small satellite Daktil [inset ductile was shown bigger]. 
                         The picture taken by the "Galileo Space Station" located between Mars and Jupiter Planet

5) Star (star): The cosmic object formed by the heat of high density is the star. They collect energy from their nuclear reaction. Our nearest star is the sun. The size of the stars can be in the sky. The Sun is a small star with a diameter of 865,400 miles.

Star birth

Our galaxy Milky way or a new star star (star cluster) was found in the galaxy. Find out more about galaxies and galaxies at number 11 and 12 respectively.

This star is located in the center of the red nebula seen in the film. There are red, green, and blue stars. Due to red dye, organic molecules are indicated in the dust, which is illuminated by the light spreading during the formation of the stars. Green color indicates heated hydrogen gas The blue color refers to the ancient stars A bright and high-density star is born in the bright white color below which is seen in the bottom of the nebula. Over time, as many stars will be born, the nebula will disappear as much.

6) The Sun : Sun is the center of our solar system. It turns 490 million tons of substance into pure power every second. This energy is reaching us as a light.

Sun is 109 times bigger than Earth and 3 million times heavier.


                    Another name for the sun is "sol"

7) Sunspot: The dark spots present in the solar system are called solar scandals. It is estimated that these parts are cooler than the rest of the sun. They have been seen once in 11 years.

                  The large surface of the sun surface is visible in the picture. Notice the picture below! Earth's size is shown 
                 through a point. From this, the size of the Earth can be compared with the Sun and the solar scandal

**8) Solar System: ** Our solar system is formed in the center of the sun. solar means sun The eight planets, the different satellites, the asteroids, the comet, and the meteorite that are sunk in the orbit around the Sun. All of them are controlled by the force of gravity of the sun.

9) Orion: This is the most known star in the sky. The seven bright stars in this circle, formed by numerous stars, are located in a specific pattern. This pattern looks like a predator's patio. So its name is Orion [a hunter of the Greek mythology] or an orphan [who is a worshiper of Jesus]. The sky is seen in the night sky with the naked eye.

                   See if you find the hunter!

                    I gave another picture. Hope to find out now!

10) Ursa Major: This is another known star system. In it, seven bright stars are seen in the eyes of the innumerable stars. These stars have been named after the Indian seven sages [seven + Rishi = Saptari]. And by that name we know the whole mass.

                                          Ursa Major

11) Galaxy: The massive system of billions of stars formed by billions of stars is called galaxies. Astronomers estimate that there are 40 to 50 billion galaxies in the universe. But till now we have seen about 10,000 galaxies with the Hubble telescope. The formation of galaxies is of different types. For example - spiral, oval, semicircular and irregular (those with no specific structure). But the number of spiral galaxies is more than that.

                  Wheelpole galaxy located 370 million light-years away, also known as 
                M51 Another known galaxy is Andromeda.

**12) The Milky Way : **Milky Way or Milky Way is our own galaxy. Looking at the sky, what you see is all that belongs to this galaxy. It is estimated that there are approximately ten billion stars in the galaxy. It is a spiral galaxy whose diameter is about one thousand light years and density of approximately ten thousand light years.

    This photo indicates where you are in the galaxy. See the situation!

13) Supernova : Supernova is a huge explosion-oriented star. The moment that a star dies, it emits a huge amount of energy before that. As a result, it becomes brighter by millions of times than usual. This condition is called Supernova. Immediately after it gets tired (compressed).

            The image is from the N49, which has been spun after a supernova explosion. These are called stellar debris or 
          star debris. N49 located in Magellanic Cloud.

14) Neutron Star: A neutron star created by supernova bursts and shrinks.


Due to narrowing of the star, it becomes the object of excessive density. Its density is so much that the gravitational force pulls all elements present in the star inward. As a result, it becomes so small that it can not be filled with a bottle of face. Due to such density, the structural element of the atom of the star - electrons and protons break down into neutrons. This neutron star

On December 27, 2004, a neutron star shone so brightly that for a while all the X-ray satellites in the sky were blinded. The upper part of the Earth's atmosphere became enlightened. This huge amount of energy was born from a giant flame made through a rotating magnetic field of neutron star. Magnetars say such a thing, and they can create trillions of powerful magnetic fields more than the Earth's magnetic field.

15) Pulsar: The rapid rolling neutron star is considered as a pulsar. This name is basically a short form of a pulsating star. They radiate radio waves through explosions in regular intervals.

     This is Vela, a pulsar and its fountain picture. The fountain is made of high strength particles. Its radiated raymeter is 
            about half of a light year.

16) Quasar: It is believed that the queizar is the most distant object in the universe. It is basically a short form called quasi-stellar radio source, which means "partial stellar" radio wave generating object. Compared to the small size, they produce very large quantities of light and small waves. Their size is not much more than our solar system. But surprisingly, they produce more than 100 hundred thousand light more than ten billion stars of galaxies!

                     The artist's eyes are in the koizer

17) White Dwarf : When the power of a star closes and closes the function, the white dwarf is created. The gravitational force in the center of the star tends to pull the mass of the star inward. As a result, it collapsed. This situation can be compared to burning coals with fire. Its name is white dwarf because it radiates white color flame.

       The large star in the film is seen, its name is Lucchak or Swati stars. You know it in English, Sirius A. It is the 
      brightest star in the sky to be seen from the earth. The cosmic object shown with the arrowhead on its left side is a 
        white dwarf. Name Serious B. The image was taken by the Hubble telescope.

The white dwarf like butterflies also came out of the cocoon (casing) inside his life. This cocoon surrounded its predecessor.

18) Brown Dwarf : They also have failed stars. Because they do not have the energy needed to become real stars. They also have mass and temperatures too high for the planet.

On the left side of the photo is the sun, right jupiter and the middle of the TWA 5B brown dwarf located. Although brown dwarfs are like Jupiter in size, but they have high density and they create their own light. But Jupiter is illuminated by reflecting the light of the sun. The density of TWA 5B is 15-40 times higher than Jupiter. But it still falls among the lowest density brown dwarfs!

19) Black Hole: Black holes are created due to the gravitational collapse of a large star or constellation. This is the final result for some stars. In this case, due to the force of gravitational force the star exploded inside instead of bursting outward. The result is that the density increases so much that the light can enter the hole through the hole and can not get out.


                  The imagery of combining two blackholes

20) Nebula: Mono-shaped cloud made with dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionic gas. In pluralism it is called Nebulae. They are enlightened due to the bright stars surrounding them. So far, more than 300 nebulaes have been named.

         Crab Nebula. There is also a storybook of Muhammad Zafar Iqbal who has this nebula
  1. Comet (comet): Comet is composed of frozen ice dust and gas. When passing by the sun it heats up and releases the gas and makes a vague shape. Occasionally this shape contains the shape of the tail.

                       Visible comet in Australia's Victoria in 2007, C / 2006 P1

22) Meteor: Meteor is a fragment of comets, planets, moons or asteroids. It is estimated that billions of meteors enter the Earth's atmosphere every day. But before reaching the surface, they collapsed in the conflict with the atmosphere. Those that are not completely destroyed and fall on the surface of the Earth are called meteorites.

           49,000 years ago in the United States of Arizona the fallen cataclysmic hazard; The name Barranger Meter's 
     Caterpillar. More than one hundred crackers have been detected worldwide. 
        Image taken in 2010.            


  1. ,

[NB]: Photo Gratitude: NASA The only source of the comic film Soerfm

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