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RE: Chemtrails?

in #science7 years ago

Cosmic cow boy is correct. People, please use the term "Geoengineering." There is an enormous amount evidence to show that this is really happening. I'm 42 and I can never remember seeing the hazy, grid-patterned skies we see today. If you haven't been on this planet that long, I suggest asking an older person if the skies looked like this when they were younger. Point out the grid patterns when you see them and ask them!

Also, people, please use your critical thinking skills a little more. The patents for this technology can be found on the internet and this technology has been around for a long time. Weather modification programs are very real, it was used over Vietnam. Check out Wiki! The only question is, are they using it without our permission? The answer I believe, is an emphatic "Yes". I live in a small city and there is no international airport here. Why would the amount of air traffic increase exponentially in just a few short years to the point that there are now crisscrossing patterns in the sky! This doesn't make any logical sense. Has anyone considered how crazy this is? My ex-colleague who had a pilots license, looked at the flight path of one of these sleek, fast, white, unmarked planes and they pointed out that these are drone controlled aircraft. It makes a lot of sense. Why would they risk human pilot error when they have planes flying for hours in the same air space flying in grid patterns? It's way too dangerous. Anyone who seriously believes this is not happening, just look at the flight paths! If you watch the skies closely, you can see these planes flying at very steep angles sometimes and they tend to fly much higher up in the atmosphere than your typical commercial aircraft. Anyway, what is the purpose of a commercial airliner? It is to fly passengers from point A to point B. Are these planes flying from one destination to another? Clearly, they are not. I have gone shopping in the morning and have seen them up there spraying. When I come back home a few hours later they are still up there flying around in the same area. People, it is time to think critically. There are so many good documentaries like "What in the World are the Spraying?" It's time to do some homework and investigate this issue before it's too late for ourselves and this beautiful planet. They are spraying toxic metals which have a very negative effect on all living creatures, plants and organisms. If not for your own health, investigate for the sake of your children. For those who think, "They wouldn't do that, they would be harming themselves!" think a little more carefully. Just because you wouldn't do something so crazy doesn't mean they won't. They have started wars in your name that killed innocent children and you think they wouldn't do a weather weather modification program? Wake up. Come on! In their minds the end game is probably a climate controlled bunker with an air filtration system. They are not you and they do not think like you. They are intersted in two things, money and power. They think the average person is a stupid, mindless robotic idiot who is only interested in Facebook or watching sports on T.V. They are doing what they are doing in plain sight because they think we are too dumb and too disorganized to stop them. BUT, we are the ones who have the REAL power. We just don't know it yet.


Tokugawa makes numerous good points. As to why, that's just speculation. I think it fits in somehow with the Illuminati agenda of population reduction. You might find my article on the subject interesting: Bending the Jet Stream, Climate Change, and the Global Elite.

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