NASA Found 219 New Planets and 10 of them are Earth-Like!

in #science7 years ago


This data comes from the long running Kepler exoplanet hunting mission. It's finding were announced by NASA scientists on monday that they discovered 219 new objects beyond our solar system.

Most of the planets are thousand of light-years away, so the chances of us getting to them are pretty slim... At least for now. Maybe in a couple of millennia humanity will find a way to get there.

Susan Thompson, a Kepler research scientist at the SETI said during her statement:

We have taken our telescope, and we have counted up how many planets are similar to the Earth in this part of the sky, We said, 'How many planets there are similar to Earth?' With the data I have, I can now make that count," she said. "We're going to determine how common other planets are. Are there other places we could live in the galaxy that we don't yet call home?

Scientists didn't give a lot of information about the 10 planets, but it has been said that they orbit around their stars habitable zone where the temperature is just right. It's also unsure if these planets have Alien life on them but the more we find the greater our chances are of encountering unknown life forms.

Kepler has revealed 4,034 planet candidates, with 2,335 of those confirmed as exoplanets and this the data from only exploring 0.25% of the night sky.


NASA has also revealed the existence of new class planets called: "Mini-Neptunes". And also the Planets called "Super-Earth" witch are 10 times bigger than Earth.

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Credits: Business Insider

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