A cynosure to Sugar Consumption (The need to know)

in #science8 years ago (edited)


Sugar consumption has become a topic which most are familiar with as well as can’t be over-emphasized which makes it an area that requires special attention and enlightenment. The consumption of sugar is necessary in our daily diet because when converted to glucose, it's used up by the cells for energy, leading to less attention being paid to the adversities of it's consumption as well. The major problem doesn’t lie primarily on its consumption but rather the amount consumed in our daily diet. Sugar when consumed in large quantities (sucrose and high fructose corn syrup) gives the body a large amount of calories with no essential nutrients and also does more harm than good.


Below is a quick definition of the above words to provide further clarity and understanding;

-SUCROSE: Sucrose is a common naturally occurring saccharide found in many plants and plant parts, sucrose is often extracted and refined from either cane or beet sugar for human consumption. Refined form of sucrose which has undergone refinement processes to produce white, odourless crystalline powder is often referred to as table sugar which is used as an additive in food production and consumption.

-FRUCTOSE: Fructose also known as fruit sugar is a simple ketonicmonsaccharide found in many plants which is usually bounded to glucose to form the disaccharide sucrose. It’s commercially derived from sugar cane, sugar beets as well as corn. All forms of fructose including fruits and juices are commonly added to foods and drinks for palatability and taste enhancement.

-CALORIES: Calories can be defined as the unit of measure of energy. Calories are usually used to measure the energy content of food and beverages. In order to add or lose weight, more attention has to be paid to the calories consumed per day either by increasing or reducing its intake. The amount of energy needed is dependent on some factors such as age (young children would require more energy compared to adults), lifestyle (sedentary, moderately active and active), your size (height and weight can affect how quickly you use energy).


The consumption of sugar is however necessary in our daily diet, it is needed by the body for strength and energy. If you are exhausted after a long day as a result of the vigor of physical labor or activities, sugar cubes or a drink is perfect at such times.
For a comprehensive understanding, some positive effects of consuming sugar are explained below;

1. Diabetes: Sugar is important in the body even for diabetic patient, the sugar level in the blood must be prevented from plummeting completely, as total evasion of sugar would lead to the re-introduction of raw sugar at the end. Diabetes is mostly misunderstood as a health condition which occurs primarily from sugar consumption. This is false as it occurs as a result of the pancreas not providing enough insulin to breakdown the available sugar,studies have shown that it’s more of a genetic condition that could be from parents to their children.

2. Aids brain function: Consumption of sugar in moderation is necessary for proper brain function as drastic shortage could result in blackout.

3. Switches up your mood: Feeling tired, depressed or in a bad mood, sugar could come in handy through heightening your mood. A bar of chocolate could do loads of wonders.


1. Suppresses your immunity thereby increasing your risk of diseases: A large dose of sugar temporarily locks the immune system’s ability to respond to challenges taking place in the body, such lock down usually lasts for several hours, so for an individual who consumes foods that contain high sugar at intervals would have his immune system frozen literally throughout the whole day. If you fall in such category, embracing a cut down is best for you.

2. It accelerates the aging process: If you are willing to look 40 while in your 50’s, avoiding foods that are high in sugar is a good way to do kick off, alongside other means such as exercising and avoiding stressful engagements.

3. Sugar is addictive: As a result of dopamine release in the reward center of the brain when sugar is consumed, people who are prone to addiction can become chronic sugar addicts.

4. It could trigger an increase in your insulin levels: Increased sugar intake results in high blood sugar levels. In a bid to control the situation, your body requires more insulin from the pancreas to break it down. As your high sugar consumption increases, your body would have to produce more insulin to meet up with your sugar level, this could have an adverse effect on the pancreas making it stop thereby resulting in diabetes.

5. Sugar contributes to obesity in both children and adults: According to numerous studies examining the relationship that exists between sugar consumption and obesity lead to the finding of a strong statistical association , the link was stronger in kids as their consumption of sugar leaves them at 60% possibility of being obese.

6. It could result in cancer:
Studies have shown that as a result of excess sugar consumption which could trigger an increased insulin level could contribute to cancer. Also, metabolic problems associated with sugar consumption could cause inflammation which is another possible cause of cancer. Those are few of the numerous reasons why excess sugar is bad for you.

Wish to cut down on sugar?...You could start off with these few tips

The first step is working on your mindset which involves programming your mind to deal with the new change that's about to take place and staying committed to it. Taking note of what you have been eating and drinking should be another area of priority by marking out the major sugar sources of food and drinks that give you the largest sugar burst. Attention should be paid to carbonated drinks, sodas, fruit juice, beverages as well as other foods high in calories by cutting down drastically on them, 2-3 bottles of soda a day could be reduced to 1 per day. After working on that, next step should be substituting sugar in your food with natural sugar alternatives or artificial sweeteners.

A typical example of natural sugar alternative is unprocessed honey which has other health benefits as well. Artificial sweeteners could be used as well as they contain very little or no calorie value, both could be easily used when making a cup of coffee or tea as well as other foods. Next up involves you reducing the cakes, candy bars, ice cream, fruit bars etc and ditching them for real cooked food.

These few tips are steps forward in achieving the quest and actualizing the transition.




While it is true that reduction in raw sugar intake is a good idea. One should keep in mind that "natural" sources such has honey are just as potentially harmful as processed sugar sources. You can think of honey in a jar as a jar of sugar with a little water added.

As your article says, the ultimate goal should be to reduce the consumption of rich concentrated sources of sugar as a whole. Ultimately everyone should try to approach their food in the same way a diabetic does. Eat well, but aware.

ColdMonkey mines Gridcoin through generating BOINC computations for science.

Not just honey but maple syrup ... from Quebec!

Thanks @grandpere for the input :).

Yes @coldmonkey, the priority should be the reduction of sugar consumption as much as possible. through that one is treading on a safe and healthy path.

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A very well written and interesting post on sugar consumption and why we should strive to moderate how much we eat. Very nice job, clearly sourced and informative.

As a bonus, and in addition to resteeming for exposure, we are awarding you a small 10 Steem Power deposit as a thank you for creating quality STEM related postings on Steemit. We hope you will continue to educate us all!

Thanks @steemstem for the recognition, SP and resteem. Would try always to deliver more quality, informative posts with great substance...Appreciate!

I commonly eat a cup of Greek yogurt for breakfast. One morning I looked at the label and saw that a single serving had 15+ grams of sugar! Since then I mainly eat plain yogurt. It has about 1/3 of the sugar and I don't mind the more bitter taste. Good article.

Thanks @vir, It's really nice to know you pay attention to what you consume, as it goes a long way in determining how healthy and safe we feed .

Good article. Just for clarification. For type two diabetes often much more insulin is released for years because the body has a resistance to the effect of insulin. It is initially an increased insulin state (until their pancreas burns out) Therefore, sugar (in either the breakdown of glycogen or dietary sugar is a major negative. You were still correct in how you said it but I wanted clarity so that diabetics don't think that sugar is a benefit to diabetes ;)

Thanks @tfeldman for the making further clarification, it was really appreciated.

Eat some fruit. The end. No more problems. Stop the white crystal crap, drug addicts :P

Fruits are really good as well :)

My daughter struggled with weight in her teens. She herself decided to cut pop out of her diet for six months. She visually lost a lot of bad weight (belly) almost immediately. At the time, she had added hemp hearts to her diet, all which she still does today. She is a person with autism, when she finds something she likes, she doesn't change it for anything. The hemp hearts help you not be so hungry, while at the same time adding extreme nutricious value to your body. But I think the majority of the weight coming off was due to no more pop with a good attitude :) Love that girl!

That's a really nice choice she made, we never know how helpful cutting down on sugar is until we start :)

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