Super Cool Science S#!t # 19 - Crazy Chemicals #2 - Botulinum Toxin

in #science6 years ago (edited)

Botulinum Toxin is the most deadly chemical known to man, and we've still found good uses for it!

Botulinum Toxin Type A. Source

There are eight different variations of this neurotoxic, 'nerve poisoning', protein, labeled A-H. It is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, and is responsible for causing the infamous and very nasty disease, Botulism. This chemical is a very complex protein, and has a ridiculously large chemical formula...


BTX Type H is the single most toxic chemical known to man, and just 2 billionths of a gram is enough to shut down an adult's nervous system, leading to their ultimate demise. Despite its toxicity, scientists and doctors have found ways of using this chemical's effects to treat various ailments, and have even put it to cosmetic use!

Botulinum Toxin affects your nerves, essentially blocking their communication with the brain.

The most common means of infection of Botulism is by eating improperly canned food in which the Botulinum bacteria has grown. Sometimes it can grow in the intestines of infants, leading to a condition known as Hypotonia. As a parent, that page scares the hell out of me... Just another reason not to give your babies honey. If you even suspect you are suffering from Botulism, seek immediate medical attention!

BTX prevents your nerves from releasing the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine in your muscles. If your nerve endings can't send signals to your muscles, you can't move or even breath. You will die a slow death, suffering from full body paralysis. Not a good way to go in my opinion.

The effect that makes this chemical so dangerous is the same effect that gives it its medical efficacy

Inhibiting the production of Acetylcholine can actually treat many physical ailments. When injected in very small amounts, BTX type A can be used therapeutically, and has been since the early 80's. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), lists many uses for the chemical:



Botulinum Toxin Type A has also been used as a cosmetic fix to wrinkles and facial spasms as, you may have guessed it, Botox.

People around the globe use this modified version of the BTX-A neurotoxin to temporarily paralyze the muscles in their face, smoothing wrinkles, and often giving them a "younger" appearance. According to, the drug can be used to treat a wide variety of problems, including an overactive bladder, migraines, certain types of eye muscle problems, and even severe perspiration under the arms.

Botox injections, like many other procedures, aren't 100% safe, and after reading this post, you can probably imagine the side effects can be incredibly serious. If you have problems with swallowing or breathing before you receive injections, these problems can worsen, leading to death. If the chemical spreads away from the initial injection site, it can also cause unwanted muscle weakness, though their website states that "No confirmed serious case has ever been reported..."

Better safe than sorry, the saying goes...

Scientists will never cease to amaze me with their ability to take the most deadly things, and turn them into something beneficial!

So the most toxic chemical known to man, when used responsibly, can actually give someone a better life! I personally hope I never contact this chemical in any of its forms, but I'm glad to hear it can do people some good.


Thanks for reading!

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Super Cool Side Note: I've decided that when I reach 50 of these SCSS posts, I will be editing, reformatting, and rewriting all of the content from the series into a BOOK to be published at a future date!


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I had a client once that had botox in their lips. Over the month you could watch it go from super turgid then saggy. I think once you do it... you then have to maintain it. Interesting about all the non-cosmetic applications - I had no idea.

Muchas veces escuche del Botox, que es el uso de la cosmetología estética, pero nunca imagine el caudal de información que tu obtuviste al respecto, el cual, viertes en tu post. gracias por escribirlo, pues ahora tengo un conocimiento mas amplio de este tema, espero tengas muchos seguidores y votos. mientras tanto tienes mi voto y te sigo.

I know quite a few people who use Botox for migraines with good results, and had a neighbor who had vocal cord injections with Botox. One look at celebrities though will tell you that cosmetic results can be hit or miss.

Mmm I want a load of that injected into my head. Not.

I have never heard of this chemical before. Thank you for the enlightenment.

Whoa never knew about this. Very informative :) Upvoted!

Thanks for sharing this really, this is very dangerous from its description, oh boy its still good and still does some good wooow

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