If you're going to bring science into this, bring all of it...

in #science7 years ago

Be warned: This is not going to be my normal type of post. There will be vulgar language, and if you're of a certain belief, this is probably going to offend you. Nevertheless...

I just saw the most insane video I think I've ever seen on YouTube...

I've traveled down the rabbit hole a few times, and have seen some really crazy theories and statements passed off as fact. This one, I believe, takes the cake. The video I'm speaking of is by a man named David C. Quack.... sorry... Pack. Mr. Pack has written over 80 "books and pamphlets" about the existence of God, he's the chief editor for a Christian magazine, and he dresses like he has a fat bank account, which I'm pretty sure is frowned upon in the Bible, but I digress, and assume. The video is titled "Does God Exist? - Many Absolute Proofs!". Who could pass that up? Could this really be something I've never heard before? Could it be that someone might actually be proposing something rational? I should have known better... but the title got me, hook, line, and sinker. Here's the video in all its "glory":

As you can see, this is only part 1...

In total, there are 5 parts to this series. More than 2 hours of "Absolute proof" that God exists, and that he created the universe. Right off the bat, I was skeptical, because.... duh, but I gave him his chance to prove me wrong, and watched the entire first video... I just sat through 28 minutes of random science facts tied together to make it seem illogical that any of this could have come from chance. But again... "absolute proof"... I'm not here to tell anyone what hey should believe, but when you state facts, and try to use them to prove something, you should probably make sure you're taking ALL facts into account, and not just the ones that jive with what you're puttin' down.

@cryptomomma (who is not an atheist, mind you) made it 23 seconds into this video before she said:

"You cannot scientifically prove the existence of God because of the scientific method. You can't make God not exist to create a control group."

...and I'M the one who writes science articles....

I don't expect you to watch the whole video, but if you have a general understanding of how science works, you've got half an hour to kill, and you want to cringe a bit, I highly encourage it.

The fuckin' dude starts off calling all atheists fools, because, the Bible...

because someone coming to a conclusion based on logical reason rather than a preconceived belief based on a thousands years old book written by men is just foolish. This guy found proof that God existed 50 years ago, and it only took him 2 1/2 years of "study" to do something that many before him had tried for decades, but failed to accomplish. He promises that (if you keep an "open mind") even after just the FIRST video, if you had any doubt that God existed, it will vanish. He also states that the existence of life on earth is unavoidably tied to the question of God's existence for some reason.

He states that evolution was just dumb, blind luck,

and that, much like many of his statements, I completely agree with. He provides many facts in his presentation, but the way he presents them is as if to insinuate that these things simply can't be possible, because it's much easier to believe that God put everything here all at once. Disregard all the evidence that we have concerning the field of evolution. Throw it out the window. If you can't see evolution happening before your eyes, it's fake news... "In fact...", he says, "evolution is based entirely on faith, because there is no proof or evidence to back it up."

Because this isn't evidence: https://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/her/evolution-and-natural-selection/a/lines-of-evidence-for-evolution

or this: https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article/62/9/845/231615

or this... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4705322/

Later in the video he tries to disprove the theory of evolution and the Big Bang theory by bringing up the 2nd law of thermodynamics... I know... but stick with me... For those who can't remember way back to science class,

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time. The second law also states that the changes in the entropy in the universe can never be negative.

In other words: Everything goes from order to disorder. He quotes Aldous Huxley as saying "evolution involves a continual increase of order, of organization, of size, of complexity.", and that statement couldn't be further from the facts. As most know, evolution is the seemingly random process by which a living being passes down traits that get carried on and replicated in the gene-pool. But Mr. Prick... sorry again... Pack, doesn't care about how evolution actually works, because he's only trying to find statements that point to him being right. He also talks about how the first law of thermodynamics completely discredits the Big Bang theory, because matter and energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but again, he just doesn't seem to understand that the Big Bang didn't come from nothing. All the matter and energy we see was all there, in that infinitesimally small space. The Bible says that before the first day, there was nothing, so nevermind the idea of reversing the expansion of the universe that we can clearly observe, to come to the conclusion that at one time, it had to be much, much smaller than it is now...

"Much like a top or a yo-yo, the universe must have been 'wound up'. Since the 2nd law of thermodynamics says that it's always winding down..." "Who wound it up? The only plausible answer is God!"

He goes on and on, grabbing at straws to prove his point,

but always seems to miss the big picture. He states that since the most accurate method of measuring time is with atoms and light, God must exist, because he's the only reason those atoms could have a rhythm. Nothing can be chance you see, it had to have been designed by an all powerful supreme being.

I'm not entirely sure whether this guy actually believes his own bullshit, but to any halfway educated person, the words that are coming out of his mouth are just nonsense. Why are people so quick to disregard evidence when it's right in front of their face? Is it really that much easier to just be ignorant?

Again, I'm not here to tell you what to believe, but don't try to use MY science to push YOUR ridiculous world view. And while I'm on the subject, please stop teaching children that creationism is truth.
I'll leave you with a video from Lawrence Krauss via Big Think:

Follow @thatsweeneyguy!


Ah another man of god for the right price of course. I would agree it looks like he’s done well for himself selling god. Perhaps he needs to re-read the bible.

While I believe there is a “god” I also think we are far too blind and stupid as a species to even know what “god” is let alone anything else about it.

My line of thinking always come down to “if god created the universe then who created god? God’s god?” If man thought god created the earth in seven days and was wrong. What else is wrong in that book written by man.

Not sure how you were able to watch that. I could not stand the way the guy speaks and lasted around a minute. Sounds like one of those “I’m right even when I’m wrong” kind of people. He centrally seems to like sitting on his high horse of “absolutes.”

Oh, I've sat through some ridiculous shit. Flat earthers are of my all time faves!

Those people crack me up.

Did that one crazy flat earthier ever launch his home made rocket to prove earth is flat by not going up far enough to disprove it yet?

In America, you're not allowed to kill yourself, even if on accident... so the government shut his dumb ass down so we all didn't have to watch him die.

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