Polyglots – The Conquerors of the Tower of Babel

in #science7 years ago

A polyglot has the gift to understand, write and speak different languages with a certain degree of perfection. There is no indication how many languages you must master before you can call yourself a polyglot. One unwritten rule is that when you speak at least six different languages you are entitled to call yourself a ‘hyperpolyglot’. Sometimes it is quite clear like in the English language: a bilingual speaks two languages, a trilingual three different tongues and so on. It is widely assumed that the term polyglot is suited for someone who can express himself in three or four languages minimal.

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Photo Credit: lindsaydoeslanguages.com


Education methods have a big influence on polyglots. Taken into account that the brain evolution is always in development it is advisable that young children learn new languages as soon as possible. At a young age, it is relatively easy to learn new languages structures.

The achievement degree in learning a new language is a mix of variables and is very individual and under the influence of sociocultural factors like native tongue, heritage, intelligence and eagerness to learn new languages.

Photo Credit: psycho-polyglotblogspot.be

Due to some consistencies and similarities of certain languages is it even possible that learning a new language is easy. The base education of Greek and Latin is a very important factor and forms the foundation for many languages. Latin and Greek are there for so much more than the so-called dead-languages.

Some scientist believes that anyone can become polyglot with the right amount of determination and effort. Studies proof without any doubt that the brain structure of polyglots and people who speak only one language are quite different.

Scientifically proven is the fact that a vocabulary of 2000 words is enough to express yourself in a new language. The vocabulary will than grow through practice or study. Between the ages of 50 to 60 years, one can know at least 50.000 words fluently.


Photo Credit: ashescom.languages

Millions of people in the world are bilingual. With mass immigration, it is not an exception that family members speak two or three languages. In some countries like India, it is normal that people speak five to six different languages or dialects.


Photo Credit: The Polyglotlife - Instagram

One can wonder if there is a limitation on how much languages we can learn. We can assume it is, in fact, limited; however, some people have an extraordinary gift to climb this tower of Babel and to know several languages.

The best way to illustrate this is to give historical examples of polyglots. Some of those facts will amaze you. The list is not restricted because there are hundreds of polyglots who have lived their lives in total anonymity.

  • Cleopatra VII (69-30 B.C) the last legendary Pharaoh of Egypt spoke 9 languages fluently among which Egyptian and Greek.
  • Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) the Founder of Marxism spoke 20 languages.
  • Dr. José Rizal (1861-1896), the national hero of the Philippines, author, and scientist spoke 22 languages.
  • Hans Conon von der Gabelentz (1807-1874) A German linguistic spoke 80 languages.
  • Emil Krebs (1867-1930), spoke fluently 68 languages and could make himself comprehensive in 120 other languages.
  • Pope John Paul II (1920-2005), spoke fluently 11 languages.
  • Mario Pei (1892-1973) Italian-American linguistic spoke 38 languages fluently and could make himself comprehensive in 100 others.
  • J.R. Tolkien (1892-1973) spoken thirty more European and old-European languages.
  • Other famous hyperpolyglots: Nikola Tesla (1856-1943); John Milton (1608-1674); Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969).

Today hyperpolyglots still exist although their numbers seem to decrease or disappear in anonymity. Most polyglots are very humble and do not mention their gift to the outside world. This is perhaps because they have another perception of ‘learning a language’ than other people.

The curse of intelligent people is that the more they know, the more they realize that they will never know everything.

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Photo Credit: Theshelf.fr

The knowledge of 15 different languages gets today an extraordinary standard, but there a people who easily know at least 30 languages.


Photo Credit: gpn.services

The Tower of Babel is not for the most polyglots, a biblical curse but a celestial challenge to solve history’s mysteries and cultures. For hyperglots, it is not the number of languages that count but it is the formula to understand some facts. A language that is alive is still a formula that discloses new insights; a common denominator that makes languages such a fascinating subject.

Polyglots or hyperglots are easily spotted; those people simply get nervous when they do not understand a language and they will do anything to learn the language as quickly as possible. They are those people with near nose in dictionaries on a plane or those folks who convince the locals to learn them quickly some sentences once arrived at their destinations.

The secret is not in the numbers of languages, the amount is very irrelevant, and the magic is in the understanding and the knowledge. Polyglots are not weird creatures, but people who like to access the core of a culture and its people: their native tongue. It is there for the highest form of universal respect.

Scientia potential est.

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Dankon amiko pro tiu bela kaj lerta artikolo. Plaĉas al mi vidi ankaŭ la Esperanto-flagon inter aliaj. En mia lasta artikolo mi skribis pri tre juna rusia poligloto. Ŝi nomiĝas Bella kaj jam kvarjara ŝi parolis kaj LEGIS sep lingvojn. Interesa estas la metodo de patrino, kiu uzis kartetojn por komuniki kun sia bebo. Do Bella povis legi antaŭ ol mem paroli.
Bonan tagon!

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