Myth vs science: geckos and forecasts of the future

in #science7 years ago

Gecko often lick their eyes to keep them clean and moist. Image source

Indonesian society trusts geckos as animals that bring good luck. This belief is still happening at this time and still told by the parents to their children. If a gecko comes to the house, then at some point will bring good luck. In addition, geckos are also believed to see the fate of the human future. The trick is to ask geckos. Gecko will make a sound in different counts. If the sound of the gecko stops at an odd number, then the person will experience good fortune. On the contrary, if the gecko's sound stops at even number, then bad luck will happen to him, such as accident, illness, bankruptcy, and others.

Surprisingly, from some of the stories I heard, there is still public confidence here that geckos can cure the HIV virus. Somehow I did not know it. Furthermore, if the size of a gecko exceeds 3 kilograms, people believe that the gecko has belonged to the spirits (ghosts). So, do not try to take a gecko of that size.

A few years ago, the gecko business was very tempting. The price of a gecko that is sold on the black market is very varied, depending on the uniqueness of color and size. Geckos that have a unique color, the price ranges from hundreds of millions even reach billions of rupiah. This is really crazy! And the craziest thing is geckos can be used as a vitality drug for men. Is that right?

Gecko's overview

The gecko is a small to medium species of lizard that is found in the more temperate and tropical regions of the world. Geckos found in warm climates throughout the world. They range from 1.6 to 60 cm (0.64 to 24 inches). Most geckos cannot blink, but they often lick their eyes to keep them clean and moist. They have a fixed lens within each iris that enlarges in darkness to let in more light. Geckos are unique among lizards in their vocalizations. They use chirping sounds in social interactions with other geckos. Most geckos make noises such as chirping, barking, and clicking when they are defending their territory or attracting a mate. Unlike most lizards, geckos are usually nocturnal.

The following table shows briefly about geckos scientifically:

Scientific nameDiplodactylidae
Family nameGekkonidae
HabitatForest, desert, mountain
Life span6-10 years


Gecko sound for communication cues if gecko feels threaten, excited, or agitated. Image source

Typical communication

Gecko makes a distinctive and rhythmic sound. This gecko sound is regarded as a myth by some Indonesian people to predict the future. But, science, gecko sounds - just like any other animal - is as a medium of communication for them to interact with each other. There are three ways how a Tokay gecko communicates. First is by using body language, next by chemicals and lastly by sounds. You can tell through these communication cues if gecko feels threaten, excited, or agitated.

The sound of gecko is a common thing that we often know. There are sounds often described differently by different people like that of a gurgle, a clicking sound, a crackle which could mean a single thing – the gecko doesn’t want to be handled. Geckos like other reptiles have a specialized organ called the Jacobson organ located on their palate or roof of the mouth. This specialized (Jacobson) organ is very sensitive to pheromone or chemicals left by other animals. Pheromones are chemicals involved in intraspecific communication in many animals. Reptiles rely more on their chemical senses than any other vertebrate class and many behavioral studies suggest that chemical cues (sex pheromones) are important in the communication and reproduction of many reptiles.

These chemicals are regarded as society as a substance or medicine that can increase the vitality of men. Communities catch the gecko and remove this liquid to be processed into medicine. Even funny again, this fluid is also considered to be able to cure HIV virus.


The sounds of gecko and chemical fluid pheromone that is considered a myth by some Indonesian people is actually a communication media for gecko. These myths are not scientifically proven and if there are some people who feel these efficacy, they are just coincidental and suggestive. Another myth that considers geckos are animals that can see spirits (ghosts) are also not proven, because geckos include nocturnal animals. These myths have to be stopped because they can damage our children's mentality to a belief that is not scientifically proven. Gecko is a reptile that has uniqueness. Gecko hunting to justify these myths can threaten their populations. []


The Spruce


National Geographic Kids

Tokay Gecko Guide

Research Gate


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Here in the US, a gekko can help you save 10-15% on your car insurance.

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