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RE: Working in an Animal Care Facility: Quarantine Procedures

in #science6 years ago

This is a fantastic post, @herpetologyguy. Quite undervalued as far as those of us at TARC are concerned. TARC is a rescue in Central Appalachia. Although we deal mostly with dogs, the quarantine procedures you describe here are very familiar. Unfortunately, they're sadly underused by most rescues and even public animal shelters. We'll probably be doing a post on our quarantine procedures soon, as well. They differ somewhat in practical execution, but not in theory or effectiveness--basically, they're structured to accommodate dogs more than turtles or tigers. LOL Although we do have one raccoon who thinks she's a rescue dog. . . .

Thank you so much for sharing this. It was a great read, right up my alley. (I'm the rescue Director, posting on behalf of our group.)

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