Theory on Everything 

in #science6 years ago

I have many theories. I am often criticised for having theories that I am unable to research myself or find the data to back them up. Interestingly, I am also criticised for raising some theories and questioned why I would believe such a thing. I always welcome criticism as it helps me develop and question my ideas and raise more questions to further the path. However, this particular line of criticism raises another theory.

The theory is:

The people that question theories asking for proof and attacking my beliefs may not understand what a theory is or be conflating belief and theory as one and the same.

A theory is a supposition that attempts to explain something through a set of principles or rules. This means that it is conjecture, speculation a hypothesis. Not a fact, but could be. Let's test it.

A belief however is something that is not known as fact but used as a truth. The acceptance of an unknown as true. Not a fact, but could be. No need to test because it is accepted as truth already.

Slightly different. Perhaps significantly so in practice.

Now, most of my theories are observational through my own day to day experiences. This doesn't make them beliefs still as I do not think them true. Just theories. It is possible to think that there may be a legitimate rule of explanation, even act as if that it is the case and still hold the understanding that the rule may not be true. In many cases, it may actually be acting on the best information available as it is possible that no one has had the theory, let alone looked into it scientifically. Which brings me to the next point.

I can have a theory on something but lack the resources to adequately test said theory. For many theories, it is often impossible for one to test personally as in for example my case, I am not a scientist of any sort, I have nowhere near the money or access to the equipment, funds or human resources required to test most of them. Plus, many of my theories may just not be a valid question at this time of the world.

Can you identify a Finn overseas by how they walk? I think I can but honestly, it is not a perfect science. Yet.

See, theories are just questions with a crude attempt to explain them, not answer them. It opens doors for more rigorous scientific testing to take place if anyone that came across the theory both could and cared enough to investigate. The theory may actually give a first steps path of inquiry or on deeper analysis, there may be better ways to question it. But, as said, you can't test a theory you don't know about.

Theories put it out there and without it out there, the people with the resources and funding sit in their office twiddling thumbs waiting for inspiration to strike. I have a theory on inspiration strikes too. Okay, they may not be completely idle but it is always good to give them a pool of topics to choose to study. Get a little spread other than the research scientists continually questioning why they can't find a partner that accepts them, and their 11 cats. That is obviously fact. I have the research to back it up somewhere... look over there, a bird.

What I do find though is sometimes when a theory of mine is criticized, I double down and fight for it. In retrospect, I think fighting for something you don't believe in is silly. And, fighting for something you do believe in is silly too. If what you believe is truth, than it is not a belief it just is. A fight for truth may be a worthy fight, if there is such a thing. My theory is there isn't a worthy fight, but every discussion is valuable.

I think the increase in defence for a non-believed theory is looking for validation as intelligent or something of the sort. It feels like if a personal idea on a topic is attacked, it is an attack on intelligence. It is not. Some very, very smart people in this world have got some things very, very wrong.

Theories are created based on the knowledge held and an expectation of the consistency of that knowledge. Will the knowledge change in the future. As knowledge is always limited, very few theories pan out to be total truth. At least, not in the original form of the theory. As more data are gathered, the theory will evolve and mature and if lucky, find a truth.

At that point, the theory dies completely and the truth kicks its dead carcass to the curb wondering how there was ever even a question in the first place. Truths seem so obvious once found but it is because we quickly forget the path of theories that led to our limited enlightenment.

I have a theory about the way I create theories.

It is better to have many wrong theories than a few wrong beliefs.

[ a Steem original ]


@tarazkp I could theorize about it but I don't know if we have time for the book that would create, as I too like to theorize and even plays devils advocate regardless of my own beliefs. Some people theorize that it is because I like to be difficult I theorize it is because I can see more than just my side or belief. Enlightenment to me is the quest of knowledge and as long as I try to keep learning I keep being enlightened.

Devil's advocate is the place I spend most of my thoughts I think , even if I am the only one in the conversation :)

I totally know that feeling too..

the beauty about a theory is it is just that until proven otherwise.If someone attacks the theory it may shed more light and actually prove the theory right. People who think a lot have lots of theories as they would like to know more.

People who think a lot have lots of theories as they would like to know more.

I find that I know I have to do more if the some thoughts arrive again. Circular thinking is useless but many don't realise they are in the loop. And, many don't realise they are in the loop.

"It is better to have many wrong theories than a few wrong beliefs."

Undoubtedly, because people test their theories, but do not test their beliefs.

So a wrong belief never gets challenged, except by other people.

And when that happens, rather than test your belief, it's more likely you categorize the challenger as an enemy rather than test your wrong belief.

Theories rock. :)

And when that happens, rather than test your belief, it's more likely you categorize the challenger as an enemy rather than test your wrong belief.

Yep, the double-down effect. Rather than consideration, it is a higher barrier.

Can you identify a Finn overseas by how they walk? I think I can but honestly, it is not a perfect science. Yet.

I also have a Finndar but it's not based on anything as specific as walking. I can't pinpoint what it is but I think it has something to do with a combination of clothing and facial expressions.

There is something about the walk, keep an eye out at airports :)

I think acceptance of the fact that
We all see the world through theoritical frameworks is important (and treating any belief as a theory is a good ideal).

Theories are only as valid as the rigour of the methods used to test them and the extent to which people have the freedom to scutinize them.

Unforrunately radical power imbalances mean both (freedom and rigour) are frequently lacking in mamy fields of knowledge!

Posted using Partiko Android

Unfortunately radical power imbalances mean both (freedom and rigour) are frequently lacking in many fields of knowledge!

And desire/incentive for particular outcomes skews results all of the time. Never trust a Harvard study type report. It is not that it is wrong but, appeals to authority don't make it right.

Very fair point!

Talking about theories/ well researched books - try Mathew Walker 'Why We Sleep' - it's my no.1 read of the year so far!

Posted using Partiko Android

I will have a look but, I haven't had time to read a book in years. :D

When I was a teen I imagined the brain like a filing system and during the day it would attempt to keep it in order but with the amount of information, files would be misplaced. At night when we sleep, the brain would essentially defrag and clean up the file room. From what I understand now, the brain has no lymphatic system to clean waste away so although always doing 'some' cleaning, at night it heavily repurposes blood vessels (or similar) to drain out the waste. Considering it uses something like 20% of the body's energy, it must build up a fair bit.

edit: "at night" should be, while sleeping

You must buy that book - it details dozens of studies which back that up - sleep is when your brain transfers data to the LTM it also helps 'clear out your short term memory cache - so you can learn more the next day.

Believe it or not that was one of the least fascinating chapters in the book!

Sleep's a panacea for a huge range of health problems - physical and mental.

On that note.... good night! Gotta be up at 5.00!

Posted using Partiko Android

A theory on theories indeed interesting. I do agree with you and particularly for closing sentence. Thanks my friend again a good read

I have a theory on your theory of theory 🤪

The face was supposed to be a head exploding 🤯
This ones better haha

Humans share one singular belief that is unquestioned: universe is a logical construct that can be understood by mere human agency. Even modern "atheists," who perceive the universe through the foundational prism of chaos and chance, adhere to the above universal belief/dogma. All knowledge has basis on principle statements that can not be tested or proven. Humans operate on deductive reasoning and only play at inductive process.

Everything we do is based on probability of events as far as we know as knowledge itself can never be complete. This is what makes claims of certainty as to the way things are or will always be quite absurd, don't you think?

I am certain in my certainties of this universe, as you are certain of the uncertainties of this universe. I am zealous regarding my beliefs, as you are convicted of your unbeliefs.

Certainty ends all dialogue as there is no room for movement beyond it. If I can convince you otherwise, you were never certain. If you can convince me of your certainty and I become certain, why speak at all?

To choose uncertainty and skepticism as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a means of transportation. At some point, man must leap to choose certainty of a belief and a belief system that provides reference for his life. If nothing is certain, then there is no purpose to any conversation. Those who live in certainty use data gathered to refine their matrix, not overturn their foundational beliefs.

That doesn't make sense to me.

You got a 28.56% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @tarazkp!

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