Have You Ever Experienced A "Helper's High"? Here Is Why!

in #science8 years ago

 What is giving? Have you experienced the helper’s high? 

It easily more about the act when it comes to giving. Jesus highlighted this in the bible; as once, he along with some of his disciples, stayed to watch people as they gave donations into a contribution box:

Different people had different styles of giving! Some give out of convenience, etc. but Jesus was particular about a woman; who gave her 'only 2 coins' and pinpointed her as exemplary in act of giving; "for even though she gave 2 small coins; it was all she had!" 

When you give, there is no need to fret about how you compare with the likes of Bill Gates etc. 

For a good receiver, it is more about the act than the sum!

 Give a man, in the middle of intense pain and agony, a big bag of money and at that time, he will prefer a tight warm reassuring hug instead!

 Especially on the internet, we don’t know who is who. Some people are on the brink of falling apart, that a timely encouraging comment can be all they need as gift. 

Over the past few decades, scientists have studied the health benefits of giving selflessly/selflessness, often referred to as "the helper's high." These studies have indicated, that people who constantly engage in volunteerism for instance; have been seen to have lower depression rate and mortality rate. They are also seen to have higher self-esteem, and greater social functionality, than those who do not volunteer. 

And to top the above findings; a 2005 study, showed that people who volunteer, indeed, experience greater benefits than people to whom they bequeath support! 

This is nothing to be surprised about, the oldest book; the Bible resounds constantly: 

"there is greater happiness in giving than there is, in receiving". 

In simple and perhaps, biological terms; "when we give to others selflessly, our brains release dopamine, serotonin and several other happy-related hormones, that make you feel warm, peaceful, calm, please with yourself etc. 

Are Humans Naturally Hard-Wired To Give?

Giving selflessly, is even a natural thing! 

To see someone’s face lit up, courtesy of your tiny deed, is something hard-wired in your inclination! One study shows, that human brains are actually created with affinity and capacity for empathy and generosity. The human brain contains mirror neurons, i.e the cells in our brains, that allow us to understand other's actions, possible intentions, and probable feelings." 

According to neuro-scientist Marco Lacoboni explains; "when we witness someone experiencing grief, sadness, agony; we don't need to actively or consciously "think" about their feelings as the mirror neurons in our brains, lets us experience it firsthand.

How does this play into giving? Even our brain is hard-wired to follow the neural "Golden Rule:

 "do onto others, what you want them to do you”.

Another neuro-scientist called Leonardo Christov-Moore tries to explain the relation between the mirror neurons in the brain, its ability and giving: Talking to Live Science, he said:

 "The more we tend to imagine or experience in our mind’s eye, the situation of others; the more our inclination to treat them as we would ourselves grows."

video source/credit to: youtube.com

So if you want to improve your generosity; you should work on feeling more empathetic towards others. 

Generosity isn't that hard!

image source/credit to: curiosity.com

Steemit has provided a platform where giving is convenient. Almost any action on steemit can constitute giving. Have you experienced the helper's high recently? Drop a comment below on how giving makes you feel!

As you think of your recent giving experience, let's see this video:

video source/credit to: youtube.com

Have you received something recently? Was it big or small? How did it make you feel? Was it timely?

Pay attention to this video by BrainCraft, to also see what science has to say about the effects of gratitude:

video source/credit to: braincraft

Additional article source/credit to: 1, 2, 3, 4


Truly better to give!

Also, I based my last post off of yours! Great mentality!

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