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RE: This Nebula Image: Is it really the Big Bang or Not?

in #science8 years ago

The big bang is a theory. All matter and energy seems to originate from one spot.
This beauty is shaped by gravity (a phenomenon caused by other forces alltogether). This picture is the product of extreme long exposure, colorshifting and post processing.
The big bang is considered as the beginning of our existance so everything derived from it. These gas clouds are the remains of exploded suns. They formed also due to gravity. But soon they'll disappear, because these pillars already most likely contain new stars which will blow the gas away.


@sulev, thanks for that. The whole of creation is based on a theory, a theory that cannot be proved beyond any doubt. That just fascinates me. My bias is towards the fact that there is more to the beginning of everything than a mere postulation.

We may never know.

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12

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