How to Survive a Lightning Strike....

in #science6 years ago

Now days,Climate in changing rapidly...We have seen such a natural calamities that we never see before..What i found in recent news that so many people every year died in lightening strike..One estimate is that 24,000 people are killed by lightning strikes around the world each year and about 240,000 are injured...Another estimate is that the annual global death toll is 6,000..


Lightning strikes can produce severe injuries, and have a mortality rate of between 10% and 30%, with up to 80% of survivors sustaining long-term injuries. These severe injuries are not usually caused by thermal burns, since the current is too brief to greatly heat up tissues; instead, nerves and muscles may be directly damaged by the high voltage producing holes in their cell membranes, a process called electroporation.

In a direct strike, the electrical currents in the flash channel pass directly through the victim. The relatively high voltage drop around poorer electrical conductors (such as a human being), causes the surrounding air to ionize and break down, and the external flashover diverts most of the main discharge current so that it passes "around" the body, reducing injury.

Metallic objects in contact with the skin may "concentrate" the lightning's energy, given it is a better natural conductor and the preferred pathway, resulting in more serious injuries, such as burns from molten or evaporating metal. At least two cases have been reported where a strike victim wearing an iPod suffered more serious injuries as a result.

However, during a flash, the current flowing through the channel and around the body will generate large electromagnetic fields and EMPs, which may induce electrical transients (surges) within the nervous system or pacemaker of the heart, upsetting normal operations. This effect might explain cases where cardiac arrest or seizures followed a lightning strike that produced no external injuries. It may also point to the victim not being directly struck at all, but just being very close to the strike termination.

Another effect of lightning on bystanders is to their hearing. The resulting shock wave of thunder can damage the ears. Also, electrical interference to telephones or headphones may result in damaging acoustic noise.
So,i gonna discuss about some to save ourself from Lightening strike...

1)Safety precautions outdoors:

i)If the weather forecast calls for thunderstorms, postpone your trip or activity.
ii)Remember: When thunder roars, go indoors. Find a safe, enclosed shelter.
iii)The main lightning safety guide is the 30-30 rule. After you see lightning, start counting to 30. If you hear thunder 
      before you reach 30, go indoors. Suspend activities for at least 30 minutes after the last clap of thunder.
iv)If no shelter is available, crouch low, with as little of your body touching the ground as possible. Lightning causes 
    electric currents along the top of the ground that can be deadly over 100 feet away.
 v)Stay away from concrete floors or walls. Lightning can travel through any metal wires or bars in concrete walls or 
   flooring.Although you should move into a non-concrete structure if possible, being indoors does not automatically 
     protect you from lightning. In fact, about one-third of lightning-strike injuries occur indoors.


2)Safety precautions indoors:

  i)Avoid water during a thunderstorm. Lightning can travel through plumbing.
 ii)Avoid electronic equipment of all types. Lightning can travel through electrical systems and radio and television 
     reception systems.
 iii)Avoid corded phones. However, cordless or cellular phones are safe to use during a storm.
 iv)Avoid concrete floors and walls.

So many people died in Lightning Strike. this article is helpful to survive from it

most importent post tnx for shareing this post

Don't copy paste bro cheetah will kill your repo otherwise

Keep it up bro.. very detailed blog must be taken a lot of time create this stuff..

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